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  1. ilikeylikey

    wtf are these creatures on my lady????

    hi taipanspunk, thanks for replying..they all over:( any idea where they come from? and also if i can't get malathion, is there anything else i can use?
  2. ilikeylikey

    wtf are these creatures on my lady????

    they look like brown little crayfish stuck to the leaves..when i take it off with a needle and turn it over it has legs exactly like a crayfish!!! help!!! they all all over my baby..
  3. ilikeylikey


    nice..they look good ANC.. anyways, here are my popcorns at 7 days old:) thats where i plan to transplant the window sill box..notice there is a slight eaten off look about one of their leafs..but my cat decided to give it a taste:) you can see the piece of corn still:)
  4. ilikeylikey


    lol..thanks guys..very interesting read so far:) i'm not sure if it'll work but hey..i'm just curious to see what happens myself..and/but if it works..then at least i know i have 2-3 years stock of ready to pop munchies plucked fresh from my
  5. ilikeylikey


    really ANC? thought they just threw the seeds on the ground in the field and it grows in a bunched?
  6. ilikeylikey


    haha.. my sativa are in their 4th week of flower.. i was munching on some popcorns and decided to try growing them..and it worked! before this i didn't know you could actually grow popcorn.. this will help alot with the munchies when it's harvesting time on my sativa girls:)
  7. ilikeylikey


    my popcorn at 4 days old:) i put 5 seeds from the bag i got at the supermarket and all of them came out..except one was growing it's got a few days catching up to do. this is my first time growing gonna transfer them into the windowsill growbox outside my apt...
  8. ilikeylikey


    thanks guys..will see if this solution does anything first..if not..i'll try get something with a lower nitrogen.. some of the hairs on my babies flower are turning red..and some that turned red has slowly dried out into nothing..does anyone know what could be wrong with them???
  9. ilikeylikey

    5-5-5 using slow release water solubles of chicken manure nutes with 5n5p5k
  10. ilikeylikey


    thanks much plants are in their 4th week of flower now..i have 3..i used 8-7-6 for their vegetative stage..but i've recently changed their diet to 5-5-5 coz i noticed that they've slowed down on flowering and also some of their leafs were beginning to show burns..
  11. ilikeylikey


    what is the best food source for marijuana? is 5-5-5 a good food source?
  12. ilikeylikey

    I'm here to Help, or at least Try.

    hi hubert dude.. was wondering if u could help me identify my of today she is in her 17th day of flowering..we planted her from a seedling that came in a random bag..she's the biggest one we have out of 3 plants. She is about 73cm tall (28inches - 2'3") and about 4 months old..the...
  13. ilikeylikey

    anyone help identify strain please?

    also..some of her stigmas are coming out redish??? is that normal:confused:
  14. ilikeylikey

    to 12/12 or not to 12/12

    :confused:it's day 14 of pre-flower and i noticed some of the stigmas on the pistils are coming out red??? is that normal?
  15. ilikeylikey

    anyone help identify strain please?

    Got some seeds out of a bag..and now she's in her 13th day of flowering.. can anyone tell what strain she is? i know that BOO's a sativa (she looks like a bamboo tree hence her name:) ) here are some pics taken yesterday..sorry for quality of pic..only using my cellphone cam..hope the pics...
  16. ilikeylikey

    to 12/12 or not to 12/12

    k it's day 13 of girl looks more and more like a bamboo tree now:) so we call her BOO..and she's just flowering all points..and shooting out yesterday, the little one (2nd plant that also almost died due to lack of nute) started to flower..and SHE'S A GIRL TOO...
  17. ilikeylikey

    to 12/12 or not to 12/12's the 10th day of pre flower now..i'd just like to share with you guys..especially those who have replied to my thread..that all is well and that my babies are just sprouting all over the place:weed: and to plumsauce..have gotten the bamboos up dudes:mrgreen: inserted some pics for...
  18. ilikeylikey

    to 12/12 or not to 12/12

    hey are the new pics as i have 3 on the right, the other on the left and the main one on the top. she's flowering more..but only from 3 points of each branch..but i'm not complaining..tot it was gonna die before this..she proved me wrong..a strong survivor...
  19. ilikeylikey

    to 12/12 or not to 12/12

    thanks for the heads-up plumsauce:) will definitely shoot and upload new updates after sunday:) it's the 4th day of flower today..and it's flowering more from 3 of the top..the pistils are also getting longer:)
  20. ilikeylikey

    to 12/12 or not to 12/12

    lol excellent Dubi806..i can't wait:) ya am definitely getting those extra lights - sunday. thanks flatrider dudes..will take your advice on placing the lights close by the getting 2 more i'll place 1 on each side..left and right..should be good:)