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  1. D

    Safe distance for pollen?

    Yah.... I had sort of forgot about the bees until I was writing the post. They have about a dozen hive boxes. Was hoping something like 150 feet apart would be sufficient. Most info I have seen online is either about large crops like corn or more about groups of plants. A vid on YouTube...
  2. D

    Safe distance for pollen?

    Hi. Outdoors. Putting out several females that I am treating to make seeds. What is a recommended safe distance outdoors to keep from cross pollinating? They should likely only be about 3 foot tall plants. Also.....not about 1/4 mile away is a place where someone keeps bees.....any idea on...
  3. D

    Hempy transfer to soil ?

    Ok. Thanks. Good advice. What about how big you let them get in the hempy? You think something Like about 4-5weeks with normal growth ok?
  4. D

    Hempy transfer to soil ?

    I have been looking for information about this. I pretty much figure it is ok in the first 2-3 weeks and I have read some people say on here that they have transferred to soil... BUT I am not sure how long (or large) I can go without having problems. Right now they are 12 days in and in solo...
  5. D

    Thoughts on this young Sativa looker

    I have 3 of these plants and all are similar. Looking for thoughts on how it might end up. These sprouted the day after thanksgiving so are about 6 weeks old. At first I set them back with some pre fertilized MG that I ended up doing my best at replacing. They are under 18/6 of a TopLed 48x3...
  6. D

    Clone Question

    Ideally, you would see roots. In dirt that is not possible, so a good rule of thumb for all plant cloning ( not just MJ ) is to see NEW growth. This could take 3-5 weeks in soil. It sounds like your plant lost water, then soaked some back up through the stem - same way a bouquet of flowers...
  7. D

    Dave's First LED Grow Using Area 51

    Love that picture in your tent of the whole rig. Wires and fans and tubs. All with a purpose, but some serious mad scientist love going on there! looking forward to the first scrog pics. Sub'd. DD
  8. D

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    Different theory- your significant other is playing joke on you! You planted seeds.... He swapped with tomatoes.... It's that simple. Mystery solved. Now go kick his ass!
  9. D

    14w LED - Good For Nothing???

    Fyi - I think you are confusing the OP post and follow up posts. The Cree Area 51s and such are definitely tops, but the decades old statement was in regards to the 14watt 225 bulb $10 panels that call themselves grow lights.
  10. D

    Twisteds grow

    Hey. Maybe you have already been doing uncovered grows in the attic, but just let me say. I have been in many houses that were used as grow houses where tents and cabs and such were not used. Some of the homes have been repainted but the smell is permanent. I have literally had my eyes...
  11. D

    Small cabinet light upgrade

    If it were me.... I would spend the money on that A51 and then start a daily grow thread with pics! In all seriousness though, I would go with that A51- you have the height, so IF too much, then you could always raise a little. A few things i have learned in my years..... Always always...
  12. D

    14w LED - Good For Nothing???

    I also saw these online and was puzzled by the positive reviews. My thought - they "might" be good for house plants (not weed) that need some supplemental light in winter or something like that. To call them GROW lights would have to be extremely limited... Perhaps right on top of a clone box...
  13. D

    Flat / triangular carbon filter vs the cylinder shape....

    Hi RIU, i am fairly constricted on space so am looking for alternative to the standard round duct type carbon filter. I realize that round serves purposes such as surface area and it matches up to round fans.....But, I am trying not to lose any more headroom than I have to. I am thinking a...
  14. D

    First Timer - Pistil Confirmation?

    Wow. Thanks for the fast reply. Now I just need the others to start showing.
  15. D

    First Timer - Pistil Confirmation?

    I "tried" to FIM this... I may have FIM'd a FIM... So, the hairs I am seeing are coming from the FIM area and above. Are they Pistils or ?
  16. D

    Non MJ plants that smell like MJ ?

    No. Not a skunk. Definitely some sort of plant. I will smell the same scent in same area over and over. The latest spot is along side a road and the property that the smell is coming from is the last place I think someone would be growing..... But... U never know. I am hoping for a good...
  17. D

    Non MJ plants that smell like MJ ?

    What are some? Specifically I am referring to plants that might be thriving in outdoor zones 8-9 or so. Several occasions I have smelled something very similar, but seems to be in areas it is unlikely to be growing. Thanks
  18. D

    please Help me choose some seeds

    I would also recommend to ask yourself what effects the "weed" you have smoked gave you that you either liked or did not like. There are a number of websites with decent strain reviews. The standard reviews on some of the seed banks sites can be inconsistent. E.g. On Herbies, (I like Herbs...
  19. D

    meyer lemon

    40s should not hurt it. Meyer should be OK into the 30s for short periods. Mine currently lives very well in a window that faces West. you have no already done so, you should probably put in larger pot. Get some standard "Citrus" fertilizer an you should be good. They can take a LOT of abuse.
  20. D

    Tip on PC or 12v Fans in grow Box.

    Thought I would share my recent (and 1st) experiences with using PC fans for a grow box. If you are not a pro with AC/DC currents, you may want to read. I read a ton of info and a number of internet posts simply said to us any old AC/DC adapter – like from a cell phone or laptop. I thought...