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  1. D

    First grow, 2 months into flowering

    Yeah i didn't think that 1 pic would be enough, i've just taken some more (and removed a few incriminating things from the background :mrgreen:
  2. D

    First grow, 2 months into flowering

    Hi, got my first plant almosts 2 months into flower now, grown under cfl's and i'm wondering if it's almost done? I thought it was almost done a week or 2 ago so i stopped giving it food and just carried on with plain water but more white hairs keep coming so i just leave it for longer. i'll...
  3. D

    First grow, leaves turning red

    My first plant is getting ready for harvest soon, pistils are starting to go brown around the buds but i've noticed the leaves nearer the top of the plant are going a sort of red/pink colour, nearer to the centre of the leaves. Anything to worry about or is it the leaves getting ready to die?
  4. D

    1 Month Old Showing Sex?

    Those last 3 are definitely female pistils.
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    new grower, need some help

    That looks like it's starting to stretch a bit for light. I'm only learning myself but i've been told by many people to lay off feeding while the plant is sprouting, maybe start when it's a few weeks old. The way i strengthened my plant was to keep a fan blowing on it, only very gently at first...
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    Is it ok to use extremely low in strength light bulbs?

    What are they? Energy saving bulbs? Energy savers usually have a wattage stated on the box and what it's equal to in conventional light bulb wattage, 20w energy saving bulb is equal to 100w regular light bulb.
  7. D

    Light Question - Blacklights..?

    No, i've heard many people say UV lights are the best thing to grow weed with, usually the people who instantly become experts at something when you have a conversation with them despite not knowing what the hell they are talking about. Sadly some of the people i've heard to say this were over...
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    Not much smell since 12/12?

    I've got my first plant into it's (i think) 7th week now, probably indica. It always made my bedroom smell when i first got home from work each day and after it got big enough i decided to put the timer on 12/12. After a few days i noticed pairs of white pistils growing out of the stems and the...
  9. D

    No smell since plant started flowering?

    I've got my first plant into it's (i think) 7th week now, probably indica. It always made my bedroom smell when i first got home from work each day and after it got big enough i decided to put the timer on 12/12. After a few days i noticed pairs of white pistils growing out of the stems and the...
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    Aluminum foil on walls?

    I'm just using a bunch of 20w CFLs hanging above the plant on pendants, it's my first ever plant and i was only growing it as a £0 budget for fun after a friend planted a seed and left it on my TV (already messed that up by buying a timer and fertilizer :-P ). I will be painting the walls white...
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    Aluminum foil on walls?

    The cupboard i'm using to grow in had cream coloured walls and a dark wooden door, i'd not heard about the problems using foil at the time so i went ahead and covered it with the stuff shiny side inwards, and it's made a big difference in the amount of light reflected, it's not caused any...
  12. D

    Big leaves covering the smaller ones?

    Ok thanks, that's what i was hoping. I've re-arranged a few branches now and i've got a bigger area of leaves actually in direct light now.
  13. D

    Big leaves covering the smaller ones?

    Hi, just a quick question, i've got a plant that went into flowering yesterday and i was just having a look at the leaf arrangement and some of the big ones are as big as my hand and covering up small clusters of leaves below which are obviously a bit pale, i can easily tuck the bigger leaf...
  14. D

    Dark leaf tips?

    I've never grown weed before, about 4 weeks ago a friend of mine stuck a bagseed he found in a plant pot and left it on my windowsill. A few days later i found it had sprouted so i transferred it into a bigger plant pot and have been watching it grow ever since. It's about 3 weeks and 3 days old...
  15. D

    12/12 cycle from the start, what would happen?

    A friend of mine has recently told me he want's to start growing some plants, the guy who he's getting his information from has told him you need to have the lights on 12 hours then off 12 hours, i told him he's probably miss heard him as the 12 hour light cycle is for when you want the plant to...