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  1. Hippyfreak420

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    Nope that won't work, all it will do is cover it up slightly, check out ona gel. It does wonders
  2. Hippyfreak420

    My Second Grow-SOG-Barneys LSD,Dutch Passion Blueberry,White Widow...

    The slower they dry out the better tasting they are (so i've heard), I've been flushing my 6 widows for 4 days and gettin ready to cut them tomorrow maybe... I'm just going to cut the main stem and let the whole plant hang upside down till the 19th and hopefully smoke a fat ass blunt on the...
  3. Hippyfreak420

    My Second Grow-SOG-Barneys LSD,Dutch Passion Blueberry,White Widow...

    I'm gona have 4 rooms all of them have 10 square feet and be harvesting 10 maybe more plants every 2 weeks... I'm tryin for 1 plant for every square foot, keeping them spaced out enough and every leaf gets light... everything is still in the planning faze i'm not gona put up a thread about it...
  4. Hippyfreak420

    My Second Grow-SOG-Barneys LSD,Dutch Passion Blueberry,White Widow...

    im goin for 10 squar feet per room doing 4 rooms so i harvest every 2 weeks and going with 4 dual 1k watt hps cool tubes
  5. Hippyfreak420

    My Second Grow-SOG-Barneys LSD,Dutch Passion Blueberry,White Widow...

    whats up man, first off +rep. good job with the SoG setup, im planing the same method but bigger. Second, bout the cat. i've never heard about them pissing on the plants, they just piss anywhere and stinks up the whole house, side note: no body wants to smoke hair, every animal sheds and you...
  6. Hippyfreak420

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    Is there any plants in the room?? if so just get ya a mask and long sleeve shirt and clear it out befor ya make any holes.. if not just cut away
  7. Hippyfreak420

    Smell Issue

    It's all good man, no worries.. we all know how much of a douch dimebagdick is
  8. Hippyfreak420

    Smell Issue

    His plant looks like a clone set to 12/12 to see sex and it's dieing for light... and dimebagdick, you're still an old fuck that thinks he know's everything about everything, and it makes you feel all high and mighty talking shit to other people that are looking for help... who's the immature...
  9. Hippyfreak420

    Smell Issue

    Thanks for all the reply's guys, I bought 1 of each ona gel's of the flavors I guess... I got my squrial cage fan in today so with the carbon filter and the ona gel I believe the smell shouldn't be an issue any more Thanks a whole lot guys +rep Peace out
  10. Hippyfreak420

    Infrared light effect sleep time??? Here's another one i found
  11. Hippyfreak420

    Infrared light effect sleep time??? Thats just one i found dunno on which one im gona get, I was gona buy...
  12. Hippyfreak420

    Smell Issue Here's the carbon filter I built
  13. Hippyfreak420

    Infrared light effect sleep time???

    I'm thinking of buying a infrared webcam and hook it up to a laptop n keeping it by the room and having a program take a picture every minute or so and I was wondering will the infrared lights from the webcam effect the night time sleep for the flowering room I figured i'd ask before buying...
  14. Hippyfreak420

    Infrared light effect sleep time???

    I'm thinking of buying a infrared webcam and hook it up to a laptop n keeping it by the room and having a program take a picture every minute or so and I was wondering will the infrared lights from the webcam effect the night time sleep for the flowering room I figured i'd ask before buying...
  15. Hippyfreak420

    Smell Issue

    I got all the pics off my phone and here they are, these are for you dimebagDICK 6 white widows @ 4 weeks into flowering
  16. Hippyfreak420

    Need help with making hash

    Hell yea, so all I do is freeze the trim and get something like a scalpel and scraped all the resin off... sounds like alot of time and some sticky fingers... But I might try freezing them and build his little frame with the screen and see how that goes.. Still got a little time before I get...
  17. Hippyfreak420

    Smell Issue

    Here's the fan I bought and its on the way The carbon filter I made out of a high performance air filter for a car, it was like 10 bucks... Then went to the pet store and got 2 bags of activated carbon and filled up the air filter and put a mesh...
  18. Hippyfreak420

    Smell Issue

    the no yield part with the leds is what tells me not to do it...
  19. Hippyfreak420

    Smell Issue

    Ok you wana stop being a dick and flooding my post with negitive comments... If i wanted negitive comments I'd talk to my dad...