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  1. TexasBABY


    Thanks for the advice! (: most deff will use peroxide ! And her light cycle wil surely but slowly progress to 18/6
  2. TexasBABY


    Hello Fellow Growers and Newbies. (I myself am a newbie) of growing that is. My plant has been through Serious stress related situations. She came into this world on a 12/12 cycle because I planted her outside. Here in the south the weather changed drastically faster than usual and I had to put...
  3. TexasBABY

    Powdery Mildew! Please give advice

    I bought some organic fungicide stuff not sure if its ok to use! But my baby looks so ugly! She has white spots on her leaves now and she is in re-vegging stage (due to a mix up in her light cycle) I have her back on track but now I have THIS problem. Anyone got some advice? Is the spray I'm...
  4. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    th anks so much for the advice! I went an bought a new lamp today so if that doesn't tell you my plans for her I will! I'm keeping her on 24/0 I know it'll take some time but I plan on keeping her. Thanks so much. Will most deff post if I have more questions!
  5. TexasBABY

    no increased yield using seimen, help

    Lmfao! I found the post you were talking about
  6. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    Haha thanks (: not creepy at all.
  7. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    Sounds good! Guess ill just make this miny plant to grow what she can and re try! Im just sad because I had only 1 seed ): haha but i can just get more . This next time Ill go buy me a growers guide? And take tips from the wise (:
  8. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    I don't have any worries (: nothing is where I'm Ever at ...... EVERRRRR (:
  9. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    Lmao. !!! I'm not lazy! Maybe a little? I didn't think the answers on google were even correct so I wanted to wing it Will definitely feed my next one miracle grow lol I'm 20 in 5 days lol
  10. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    LOL SO TRUE. This purp is mighty fine tho
  11. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    The soil is regular Potting Soil. No nutrients added? And temp is reg room temp with a 250w light above it. I have 0 clue how to know the PH ? No ph strips. Like I said rookie here �������� but I shall prevail! Lol I want to get this...
  12. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    Screen isn't big enough but It says posted 2 weeks ago :) right above it. Smarty (; but yes. She revealed herself then her budding on top started getting thick... I I knew something was wrong.
  13. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    Lol love that saying. 😉
  14. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    I know I took to my Instagram to reveal her sex ^_^ and no I'm not trashing it. Lol I'm keeping her.
  15. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    Lol I would enjoy being guided by your advice oh wise one ... i could use some good feedback and answers
  16. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    Epic story ...... :/ (sarcasm)
  17. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    Because I'm not of "age preferences " of some doesn't make me a child. Lol probably act more grown then most women of an older age. (Wont go thereeeee) cuz it's not THAT serious. Needed advice I appreciate you all(: even the pricks w/ the "funny" comments.
  18. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    Lol don't get mad!!!! I'm lost! I have people telling me to trash my baby. And then there's you! Giving me hope on a good sized plant still? Lol Which I appreciate! But everyone's saying my plant is a runt compared to what it's suppose to be?
  19. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    Well shit fire! Lol I'm sorry for referring to it as "white stuff" but that's exactly what it looks like! And OF COURSE I know what THC looks like I'm a daily smoker. But I had no clue what the hell stage my plant was even in lol it's tiny!!!! And I believe you (: I'm 19 turn 20 this Friday.
  20. TexasBABY

    HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant

    Literally just took a snap shot of your advice! Thanks so much (: