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  1. GManHollywood

    150w Bulb in a 400w Ballast

    I am trying to reduce the heat in my room. Addition of a 400w = 800w increases my temp by 10/15 degrees.
  2. GManHollywood

    150w Bulb in a 400w Ballast

    I was wondering if I can change just the bulb, is this safe? I have a 400 Watt ballast and housing.
  3. GManHollywood

    Emergency Stress!! amazing beauties are now dying, HELP PLS!!

    I don't seem to find the exact or even right match. Somebody please reply!
  4. GManHollywood

    Emergency Stress!! amazing beauties are now dying, HELP PLS!!

    ph is 5.5-6.5 ppm 800-1100 Flora Micro/Grow/Bloom
  5. GManHollywood

    Emergency Stress!! amazing beauties are now dying, HELP PLS!!

    400/800 w HPS in Hydro with MicroGrow nuts. nothing has changed to my knowledge that would cause this. Please give me some ideas quickly, thanks!! 3/7 clones added, start veg 4/13 begin flower (see great pix!) 5/8 going bad :(
  6. GManHollywood

    Time to Harvest / New Growth ?

    Great Success!!! Should I continue the same nute schedule etc.?
  7. GManHollywood

    Time to Harvest / New Growth ?

    I dont know what has happened but some of my gals are spurting new growth when it should be time to cut. I have included a few pictures so somebody can tell me whats up. You will see growth sometime with a 2-leaf spurt. Approx. 65 days flower.
  8. GManHollywood

    96 Days, ready yet???

    anybody? comments?
  9. GManHollywood

    96 Days, ready yet???

    It's been flushing for a few weeks now.
  10. GManHollywood

    96 Days, ready yet???

    I have this Sativa G-13 that been almost 14 weeks flowering. How much longer does it look to have? See pics below.
  11. GManHollywood

    how much longer do you guys think? PIC!

    Nice Plants!! Their really glowing!! Check the Trichomes, see the attached chart. You can buy a microscope on ebay for reall cheap too!
  12. GManHollywood

    fox farm nute users, i need some advice

    Shouldn't be a PH problem... I use FoxFarm and the PH always stays good.
  13. GManHollywood

    going from veg to flowering

    I had a few plants that I vegged for 4-5 weeks, only after 30 days flowering 3-4 of them are 7-8 feet tall!! They grow big and hydro makes it bigger and faster. I would recommend 1-3 weeks vegging max..
  14. GManHollywood

    hang for 3 weeks?

    My first grow I only hung dry for 2-3 days then bagged then jarred. I had no mold problems..
  15. GManHollywood

    Mites in Week 1 Flower... Again!!

    I used Avid - although a bit expensive - it works miracles!
  16. GManHollywood

    Mites in Week 1 Flower... Again!!

    Are there any chemicals to put directly into the resovoir to kill them?
  17. GManHollywood

    Mites in Week 1 Flower... Again!!

    are lady bugs as good as predatory mites?
  18. GManHollywood

    Mites in Week 1 Flower... Again!!

    I don't know why this keeps happening to me! This is my 2nd grow E&F 12 site Hydro. I am in week 1 of Flowering and BOOM! there are those buggers.. again! What's the fastest and best way to just rid of 'em very quickly. My system waters 5 times daily. I was thinking of spraying them down with...
  19. GManHollywood

    mites and powdery mildew, week 6 of flower...

    any answers on this problem??
  20. GManHollywood

    Hydro Grow - Yellow & Droopy

    Once its done flush, after 2-3 days, the plants should be lookin normal again?