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  1. X

    hii Please help me

    And does anyone know what level of THC plant?
  2. X

    hii Please help me

    So my question how can maximum weed out my one knock against this strain after I overdid it and I already Hitbs
  3. X

    hii Please help me

    Oh and it's not my real name:weed:
  4. X

    hii Please help me

    I have one plant and I use all the vitamins and ingredients nutrients my English is not good Because of I use language translator and I have all the ingredients in the best quality I just want to know how can get me one potted plant if I treat Let the best it can be by all the instructors set up...
  5. X

    hii Please help me

    Shalom Meyer, My Hebrew name is Meyer! you have one plant, yes. The plant has two stages, Vegatative and Flowering. is the plant in soil? yes what age is The Plant? 1 week do you have nutrients?yes you have a tent, yes! what type of Light are you using? 250w What light schedule are you using...
  6. X

    hii Please help me

    Hello, my name is Meyer, I'm from Israel and I wanted to ask a question, I'm new in this area and I potted one growth tent, the seed of Afghan Dream, if I grow well before any guides how should go about Potted after dry flower already? Thank you,