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  1. Limes

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    Thanks for all the replies - it seems I will still have to wait a bit. I am anxious because I also have 4 clones from this plant that I'm hoping (obviously) will be female! Here is a picture of the top growing bud of the plant - hopefully someone can get a better idea of it's sex from this...
  2. Limes

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    Hey guys/girls! This is my first attempt at growing and finally I have a plant flowering. I thought it was female, but now that the preflowers have developed a little more, I'm not sure at all! I was wondering if some of you more experienced growers could take a look and give me your thoughts on...
  3. Limes

    Lowlife AK47 Automatic

    Hey Jay, Question I think we've all been wondering.... How is it?! Good high etc? Thanks for the work on the journal btw - helps us noobs