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  1. C

    cuttings problem

    good idea i just took them back out let them get some air
  2. C

    cuttings problem

    they are not in water, i dunked the 4 inch half way into water then put the cuttings in, then put a propagator over them but obviously the moisture had no where to go.
  3. C

    cuttings problem

    Ive got a hydo set up, but in the past have had problems with them wiltiing when i put them straight into the hydro pots as the humidity is too low.
  4. C

    cuttings problem

    I've just got some cuttings two days ago, they were just showing roots through the 1 inch cubes, i ve put them in 4 inch ones soaked the 4 inch in ph adjusted water and put them under flouresent light under a propagator to keep humidity up. Problem is a couple have wilted the 4 inch cubes were...
  5. C

    Too hot in veg

    Ive just put my clones into pots and transferered them to my flowering room, they are about 6 inches tall so have another week or so until i switch to 12/12. I was just using a flouresent light but i noticed on or two stretching so i turned on a 600 as well for so reason the timer messed up on...
  6. C

    Recommend me some seeds

    Well ive took the advice and ordered some chronic from serious seeds. Lets hope the price of them is worth it. Ill start a grow journal from start to finish when they arrive.
  7. C

    Recommend me some seeds

    wow, loads of replies. I got a 8ft by 4ft flowering room with 2x600w lights so i do want a decent yield i have grown before in a smaller room 3 times but never really had what i would call a huge success. Im thinking with this size room i should be getting 20oz now minimum. Im trying some 8...
  8. C

    Recommend me some seeds

    That looks very nice. i just want a strain that i know is gonna produce some decent weed. White widows nice but on some sites the prices range and not sure which ones to go for.
  9. C

    Recommend me some seeds

    Im fed up with shit clones and dodgy seeds so can anyone recommend me some good seeds from a reliable supplier. Pics of finished product would be good too. Oh and from the uk too.
  10. C

    What are these yellow things coming form my buds

    Lol, cause i need some professional advice!!:spew:
  11. C

    What are these yellow things coming form my buds

    ill post some more pics tommorow. i got 9 plantys under 2 600w and more than one looks like this. chances are they will all turn as they are all form same mother
  12. C

    What are these yellow things coming form my buds

    Oh great! They are 4 weeks in at tne moment any advice on what to do?
  13. C

    What are these yellow things coming form my buds

    As title says, any ideas please.
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    Phew!! Im worried about this crop as my friend has 4 from the same mother and they turned. Does it mean that mine will. and also i had a low temp one day of about 55. sorted that problem now.
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    Any ideas, looks like it too me. i got 10 plants and they all look the same.
  16. C

    Ventilating out of the plumbing pipe sticking out your roof

    What a stink that would be when you open the door to your grow room. Think this method would work best if tour growing or at least tapping into pipe above the toilet.
  17. C

    Help please, yellowing and holes in leaves PICS

    They are just normal cley pebbles. They are under a 600w and it was about 2 feet away moved it up now. temp=20-30 degrees
  18. C

    Help please, yellowing and holes in leaves PICS

    This has been gradualy getting worse over the last couple of days. Hope its not bugs. These small clones have just been put into hydro feeding half strength vita link. ph is fine. Humidity has been an issue though dropping to 20% sometimes. Anyway heres the pictures.
  19. C

    Ventilating out of the plumbing pipe sticking out your roof

    All houses will have a soil pipe from the toilet that vent outside they just might be outside the house or more likely boxed in and hidden. Chimney is just as easy if you got one