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  1. hissinroaches

    bud candy+ff cha-ching=???

  2. hissinroaches

    bud candy+ff cha-ching=???

    heres beginning of week 5 of flowering update of my bagseed grow using 1/4 tsp. cha-ching and 1 tsp. of mollassass every other watering...
  3. hissinroaches

    bud candy+ff cha-ching=???

    thanks for the advice.the plants actually look dark green,the hps lights and the rubber green case on my iphone gives off a cloudy green tint.any good seed banks you perfer
  4. hissinroaches

    bud candy+ff cha-ching=???

    im a caregiver for a couple friends who are ill and i decided to plant some bagseed until we can get some white widow or ak and all plants turned out to be girls;-)except for 4 somewhat overcrowded but bagseed,right?well im growing under 600watt hps with 2ft-t5 bloom bulbs...