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  1. Wudaheo

    Recommended GPM/LPM for air pump?

    yep those kind!
  2. Wudaheo

    Recommended GPM/LPM for air pump?

    The best one I found after trying many are these 5" round and flat disc like airstones. Been using same ones for about 2yrs and they doing fine. Just scrub the stones a toothbrush then soak it in vinegar for 10 mins after each grow. They are perfect for 5g buckets grows.
  3. Wudaheo

    decent ph/ppm meters?

    Stick with Milwaukee or Hanna brand. That ebay seller is legit they are authorized vendor for all their stuff so you get FULL WARRANTY! I bought a hanna growcheck all in one meter from them along time ago.
  4. Wudaheo

    Too much light!?

    yep you can never have too much light but more lights = more heat so you have keep temps in check
  5. Wudaheo

    HPS only or HPS and MH

    If you want to keep your plants short and dense use MH for vegg stage. Then HPS for flowering. This will optimize your grow space. If you have room and don't care if plant stretches out and grow all long. Then use HPS. But your plants will take up more space.
  6. Wudaheo

    400w hps grow

    Is your hps bulb mixed with blue spectrum? If it doesn't have enough blue spectrum your plants will stretch alot during vegg. You can get a metal halide bulb for like $30 from home depot but make sure your ballast supports both HPS and MH bulbs.
  7. Wudaheo

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    I was using giesemann T5 HO actinics+ during vegg stage before but not for entire stage. If you want to try it out note there are several different types of actinic bulbs. I believe the pure actinic 03 have very low intensity so don't get that. Get the ones that are mixed like actinic+, actinic...
  8. Wudaheo

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    If you want similar design to the quantum badboys you can get the 6 bulb htg slimstar for $210 w/bulbs shipped but has 1yr warrantly. The sun blaze doesn't have individual reflectors but has 5yr warranty and they really quick on replacements. Not sure about the quantum warranty since they seem...
  9. Wudaheo

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Keep us updated with the grow. From my experience.. I disagree with using actinic lighting because it cost 3x more for the bulbs and your results would no better then standard bulbs. I used my t5 from my mini reef tank before with actinics/aqua blue+. It did okay but 6500k bulbs did better...
  10. Wudaheo

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    From looking at that chart.. Instead of paying $20ea for the actinic bulbs which i think are only around 400-600nm wavelength .. wouldn't it be cheaper to get just to get the $7ea full spectrum t5 bulbs since it has the blue & red spectrum that plants mostly need?
  11. Wudaheo

    Do timers damage hps/mh hid?

    I don't see why It would damage it anymore then having it plugged into an outlet and manually turn it on off.
  12. Wudaheo

    Between Week 5 and 7 flowering and plants seem stunted, PICS

    You need better light dispersion. Your lights just coming down from the top and hitting the carpet. To make full potential of your lighting put it in corner and or surround with white or reflective material.
  13. Wudaheo

    Proper growroom temperatures!!!

    My hydro grow tent was in the 90's and everything was okay. BTW the plants will use up water more quickly and warm water in reservoir will cause roots to rot.
  14. Wudaheo

    30% off ebay! Save money!

    This is still working but its down to 20% cash back as of today.
  15. Wudaheo

    Wudaheo first grow Blueberry DWC

    I think as long as the roots are moist from the bubbles you don't really need the dripper. You can manually water daily from top to be safe.
  16. Wudaheo

    DWC: Group or Individual resevoir?

    I would recommend having them grow individually. I almost done with my first grow and was using 3g buckets. My roots filled up like 3/4 of the bucket so not much water was in there. The water runs out pretty quick so my next grow I will be using 5g buckets. Click the link in my signature to see...
  17. Wudaheo

    Wudaheo first grow Blueberry DWC

    Day 41 Took some pictures today after work. Its hard to tell but some of the leaves are turning yellow and dying out at the tips. I already flushed out the system with new water twice so I hope she survive for another 2 weeks. Oh and there is still absolutely no smell of cannabis which is very...
  18. Wudaheo

    Wudaheo first grow Blueberry DWC

    Day 38 Too lazy to take pictures.. stupid camera battery needs recharging anyways. Overall buds still looking good. Looks like maybe an ounce once dried from the first blueberry. I couldn't resist it so I broke one of the lower branches off with some small nuggets on it to sample :hump: I let...
  19. Wudaheo

    Net pots?

    Almost all hydroponics store should have it. You can buy online at
  20. Wudaheo

    15 pounds one room! where the h*** do u plug everything?

    Get a long power cord and hook it up to another room:o. Usually 1 room has 1 circuit only or even 2 rooms on 1 circuit. Just flip off the circuit breaker then you know what room/outlet is on the circuit. Have fun burning down the house on 1 circuit :fire: