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  1. trueblu8

    Anyone in MI use

    Thinking about oredering some purple kush off budtrader but the guy wants half the donation up front. Is there any way to tell if it's a scam or not?
  2. trueblu8

    Sick Plant - Yellowing lower leaves with brown spots - Diagnosis?

    Looks to be doing really well now. Thanks guys. I think all she needed was a little tlc and lots of sunshine. I ammended the soil a bit with some manure too.
  3. trueblu8

    cotyledons eaten off

    Added some pics dopeedogg. Good to know about the azamax. I may have to give that a try.
  4. trueblu8

    cotyledons eaten off

    I know this is an old thread but what ever happened? My guess is that it was asian beetles or leaf hoppers. You could try covering them with a 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut off next time. I've also heard that azamax or garlic spray works.
  5. trueblu8

    cotyledons eaten off

    I know this is an old thread but what ever happened? My guess is that it was asian beetles or leaf hoppers. You could try covering them with a 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut off next time. I've also heard that azamax or garlic spray works.
  6. trueblu8

    helpp!! some bugs ate the cotyledons of my babi cannabis!!

    I know this is an old thread but another suggestion is if you cannot start them off indoors you could cut the bottom portion off a 2 liter bottle and put that over them till they form at least 2 sets of real leaves.
  7. trueblu8

    Sick Plant - Yellowing lower leaves with brown spots - Diagnosis?

    Anybody have any idea what's wrong with this plant? I'm thinking maybe the cooler nights that we've been having here recently could have something to do with it. My other guess would be that the ph is off? Could it need a bigger pot?
  8. trueblu8

    IL Growers

    Christ looks like we're going to get another thunderstorm tonight. Please don't tell me the basement's going to flood again.
  9. trueblu8

    IL Growers

    Dude we've had thunderstorms for the last 3 nights in a row. And last night was the biggest one yet. We got 6 inches of rain. I heard we haven't had that much since '72. Our basement flooded for the first time since I can remember. First that 23" blizzard during the winter and now all this rain...
  10. trueblu8

    IL Growers

  11. trueblu8

    build a grow closet

    Yeah what jballs said. I would very much like to see this as a buddy of mine is ready to start a closet grow and we are looking for a good setup to model ours after.
  12. trueblu8

    I hear ya Vic. I'm dying to grow too but just need a place to do it.

    I hear ya Vic. I'm dying to grow too but just need a place to do it.
  13. trueblu8

    Illinois HB 2514

    Oh man. C'mon baby! Lol. Thanks for all the great info guys! And thanks for the link to the Sun Times article.
  14. trueblu8

    Iris and Sadie

    Can't wait to see how Lucinda's clone turns out. I'm doing something similar right now, but with a rose.
  15. trueblu8

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    300 - 400 for an ounce of dro, unless you grow you're own right? Like someone said here, you get what you pay for. The people claiming low prices most definitely are talking about stuff with seeds in it, and it is not dro, either that or they don't live in the US. I can see El Paso having...