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  1. Tea H. Sea

    Full Moon White Fuzzy Growth

    bleaching, you think?
  2. Tea H. Sea

    Full Moon White Fuzzy Growth

    My full moon plant is nearing the end of flowering. I have grown this strain before and this growth hasn't shown up. It's sticky like the white hairs. It's not mildew, I know that for sure. Here are some crappy photos of it. Bad camera.
  3. Tea H. Sea

    Ice, Full moon, Blue mystic (nirvana shop)

    I'm going to copy-paste my last post about Full Moon: "As commonly stated, Full Moon is a bitch to grow indoors; but your reward is well worth it. And when I say it's well worth it, I mean F%$^@#*&S(@!!! I'm the epitome of stoned. And my mouth tastes nice, real nice. I wouldn't recommend it...
  4. Tea H. Sea

    Full Moon from Nirvana?

    As commonly stated, Full Moon is a bitch to grow indoors; but your reward is well worth it. And when I say it's well worth it, I mean F%$^@#*&S(@!!! I'm the epitome of stoned. And my mouth tastes nice, real nice. I wouldn't recommend it for a first time grower. I ignored advice not to grow...
  5. Tea H. Sea

    Small buds, late in flowering, help!

    lol. Such emotional responses from some of you! Maybe for this plant in particular, my $200 led isn't the best. But for everything else I've grown, I get fat buds. Thanks again
  6. Tea H. Sea

    Small buds, late in flowering, help!

    From the looks of it I would have guessed a Nitrogen toxicity too. The strange thing is this only recently showed up following a 2 week period with only ph'd water. I will lower the N of any future feed I give it, and see what happens. Though, it may be futile considering this plant should be...
  7. Tea H. Sea

    Small buds, late in flowering, help!

    Yeah this strain has stretched like this twice now. It's the only plant I grow that does it with this light. I guess it's the genes. I suppose you are right. I will find out soon enough!
  8. Tea H. Sea

    Small buds, late in flowering, help!

    I'm worried that something is wrong with my Sour Kosher. It has been flowering for at least a month, probably around 50 days. The hairs are about half bronzed already and yet the plant hasn't fattened up yet. Is something wrong or will it fill out soon? - Blackstar Led - organic soil -...
  9. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher and Full Moon Flowering Problems

    Mainly because it appears to be nutrient burn --> burnt tips. As I understand a nutrient deficiency is a yellowing of the leaf. What makes you say it needs more nutes?
  10. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher and Full Moon Flowering Problems

    The grow - organic soil - humboldt nutrients - Blackstar Led -It appears to be a nutrient burn, but I haven't fed them any nutes in 2 weeks. It's happening on both plants, but more severely on the Full Moon. - Seems to only affect lower leaves. - Lots of fallen leaves on the Full Moon. Photo...
  11. Tea H. Sea

    Full Moon Plant Indoor Help!

    I am using the following setup: - Blackstar LED - 3 inches from plant canopy. I'm sure that I need to raise the light. - Organic Soil- with dolomite lime. - Humboldt Nutrients fed a little less than every other watering(My first FM grow didn't need many nutes). - Smart pot - 18/6 light...
  12. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher and Full Moon Bloom Problems

    Is this for Full Moon, you say?
  13. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher and Full Moon Bloom Problems

    Grow Background Both are in 3 gal pots(trying to keep them small being indoors and all), watered every 3-5 days/ when the soil appears to be dry enough with ph 6.8 water, dolomite lime mixed in with soil. Full Moon has been fed somewhere between 3-5 times. Sour Kosher has been fed once- she's a...
  14. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Day 44 November 19 Not sure where post #35 came from... oh well. Not all is well with my Sour Kosher. I watered it last night when it appeared droopy most likely from needing water (I waited an extra day from its normal water cycle). It looked nice and perky this morning. I pulled it from its...
  15. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Day 40 November 15 Yesterday's post
  16. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Day 5 November 15 Yesterday's post
  17. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Day 35 November 10
  18. Tea H. Sea

    Can't decide what's wrong with my plant...

    I would've guessed nute burn too but he says he hasn't giving it any fertilizer. Just noticed you used dolomite already... That should fix your problem. Update on how it's doing?
  19. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Day 31 November 6 New pot. Newly topped.