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  1. R

    Can you carry nutes and supps in checkin luggage on a plane?

    Hey Rockstar! Not carryon… checkin luggage, as it says on the title of the thread.
  2. R

    Can you carry nutes and supps in checkin luggage on a plane?

    That's a pretty nifty idea there Spek.. much obliged! And yes, the kale n mint garden story has already been explained to her lol. Right so to sum it up; i don't think i'll be asking her to risk it with the Cal/Mag but i'll take a chance with the PH calibration solutions despite the great DIY...
  3. R

    Can you carry nutes and supps in checkin luggage on a plane?

    Cal nitrate and Mag nitrate....... Says right there on the bottle. Not one of my finest moments clearly. :sleep: What's the verdict on lugging the PH calibration solutions though??
  4. R

    Can you carry nutes and supps in checkin luggage on a plane?

    Heh... nope. Things are a bit different in 3D. I've read it's fine as long as you don't have any nitrate as an ingredient. Do cal/mag supps generally have any of that stuff?
  5. R

    Can you carry nutes and supps in checkin luggage on a plane?

    Hey everyone, gonna make this real quick... Is it possible to check in CAL/MAG supps and ph buffer solution onto an airline? I live in a Pakistan where finding these two is proving to be a lump in the rump. I have a friend flying down from England whom i plan on getting these here through...
  6. R

    Outside Grow Closet.

    Not too worried too much about the heat yet though, the next 4-5 months shouldn't be that bad..
  7. R

    Outside Grow Closet.

    6 feet? A 'grow grave' then...? I have to keep it on a tiled floor unfortunately, can't even go in an inch.
  8. R

    Outside Grow Closet.

    Under construction 6' wide by 5.6' wide and 3' deep outdoor closet. Karachi, close to the equator, is pretty tropical with mild winters and hot summers so im insulating sandwiched panels on all sides, the top, and the front doors to keep out the weather... It'll be under a shade, the house not...
  9. R

    What did i do wrong? 6 day old seedling burnt.. (Pictures)

    Thanks Galvatron. I think i'll check the readings again. If PH dropping so drastically is usually not the case, and it's happening, then there must be one problem with my readings. Shall check on next watering and get back to you guys.
  10. R

    What did i do wrong? 6 day old seedling burnt.. (Pictures)

    I think it's the solution with the soluble nutes I'm using and a bit of seaweed extract that's bringing the PH down from 7.2. The runoff as you can see is slightly higher than the 4.2 I'm getting after mixing the nutes in the water according to my reading. Dolomite lime is being a pain to come...
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    What did i do wrong? 6 day old seedling burnt.. (Pictures)

    The girls seem to have bounced back. Bent one of the stems a little too hard and it has since gone limp. That did t turn out to be too bad a thing since the lower nodes have done well in the 2days since the damage.... Is it even damage? ppm 450 solution ppm 1100 runoff PH 4.4 solution PH...
  12. R

    What did i do wrong? 6 day old seedling burnt.. (Pictures)

    Getting a TDS meter today… Is there a recommended range or exact PPS that should be maintained?
  13. R

    What did i do wrong? 6 day old seedling burnt.. (Pictures)

    It's Vitax brand soluble. I water it down to close to 1/4 strength but since the dosage amount for these three is so miniscule, it's hard for me to get the dosage down to the exact gram.
  14. R

    What did i do wrong? 6 day old seedling burnt.. (Pictures)

    The plants seem to be thriving in Coco/Perlite after the transplant. The new growth has been healthy and really fast, they hit the ground running with no apparent shock at all.... So far so good. They're getting 20-20-20 soluble fert and a mild seaweed feeding every 2-3 days. Currently under 2...
  15. R

    Absolute basic nutrients for Coco grow.

    Hey sorry for the delay in getting back to this, been totally swamped with family and the newborn. Right so over here in Pakistan i can get my hands on Vitax soluble fert. with all sorts of NPK combos. CAL/MAG sups are a bit tough to come across, haven't seen them yet…. Orchid food's there as...
  16. R

    Absolute basic nutrients for Coco grow.

    Hey Bustin.. So what i gather is that the key is to treat it as a hydro grow and use appropriate nutes. My local store does have a 2 part hydro feed. Not too sure what's in it though but i'll go again and have a closer look. Thanks!
  17. R

    Absolute basic nutrients for Coco grow.

    A thousand salutations to all y'all. I'll make this really short and quick; What are the absolute basic foods you can give your plants growing in Coco peat/perlite mix to have them produce nice n healthy buds. PS. To give a context for this question, i'm in Pakistan where you don't necessary...
  18. R

    What did i do wrong? 6 day old seedling burnt.. (Pictures)

    Yeah I went through the links you gave me and they were helpful. The more I research the more confusing it gets, hehe. Guess that will go away with more practicals as opposed to just theory. Getting to the point, I've managed to find coco locally and I feel a bit daft that I hadn't managed...