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  1. Mongala420

    2 month old plant. Sex ?????

    Hey can anyone tell the sex of this plant yet ????
  2. Mongala420

    {{(Early Misty//Mazar//White Satin)}}(Organic Outdoor 09)

    Hey whats up guys !!! This is my first grow ever. Outdoors in washington. I will be growing these good cold weatehr mold resistand strains. -Early Misty(Nirvana) -Mazar-I-Sharif(Freebies) -White Satin (Mandala) I will be using Fox Farms happy frog soil with about 30% perlite mixed in. I...
  3. Mongala420

    Rain rain rain go away !!!!!

  4. Mongala420

    Rain rain rain go away !!!!!

    Hey i live in washington and i have an outdoor grow going with 9 plants. Early Misty, White satin, and mazar. It poured down rain all night after a month of sunny perfect weather. My plants are all a little over a month old. Do you guys think they will be ok when i go to check on them next ????
  5. Mongala420

    Little Green Bug. {{(PICTURE)}}

    Look at this lttle fucker. I got to my plants today and this little green fucker was on it and had eaten a shit load out of one leaf. Heres sone pics.
  6. Mongala420

    First Grow. Odd leaf curling. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plz Help

    Could it be under watering do you think ?????
  7. Mongala420

    First Grow. Odd leaf curling. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plz Help

    Hey so i went to chek on my babies today and the leaves on one of plants had like rust looking spots that were kinda see through and a couple tiny holes in two leaves. The other plant had two leaves drooping down at the end and turning a really dark green. I'm pretty sure it's not over...
  8. Mongala420

    leaves curling down, what's up?

    damn i got the same problem when i checked on mine today too !!!! Im in fox farm happy frog soil... One month in now. Have fed them once with earth juice grow. All my other plants are fine but on of them is doing this . WTF!!!!
  9. Mongala420

    washington Early Misty first Outdoor Grow

    Yeah,. The weather has been amazing lately !!!!!!!!!!!!! Clear sky's bright sun nice 80's weather. Ahhhhhh. Perfect. My plants could use a little rain though right now :).
  10. Mongala420

    washington Early Misty first Outdoor Grow

    Yes i am growing in washington state. Puget Sound Western washington area.
  11. Mongala420

    washington Early Misty first Outdoor Grow

    Yeah i got some Earth Juice Nutesa too and i hearn that its quite hard to burn with them but i will most definantly be carefull. Only giving them nutes when they tell me they want them. Man are the plants lookin great !!!! The ones that survived that is. Down to only five plants after...
  12. Mongala420

    :(((( What is going on ?

    I'm using fox farms happy frog soil. And i have five other plants that are completely fine in the same soil and conditions . They are outdoors in washington state. Its weirs . Out of the 15 seeds i got . 12 germed. 10 sprouted . And some how i am down to five plants now . Wtf. The ones...
  13. Mongala420

    :(((( What is going on ?

    Fox Farms Happy Frog ?????
  14. Mongala420

    :(((( What is going on ?

  15. Mongala420

    washington Early Misty first Outdoor Grow

    Took some new pics today . Will upload tomorrow :)) Plants are looking great !!!!!
  16. Mongala420

    Sweet tooth strain !!!****!!!!!*****!!!

    ummmmmmmm ??????? OK??????? 17 views ? No thoughts ?
  17. Mongala420

    Sweet tooth strain !!!****!!!!!*****!!!

    Hey i was just wondering if i ordered some sweet tooth seeds from seedboutique today they probably get here next week. Is to late now to start some plants outdoors in washington state ?? And will this strain grow in the northern climates ?
  18. Mongala420

    cotyledon leaves dying/ yellowing

    Is it normal for the cotyledon leaves to start dying and falling off as the plany begins to have new growth. ?
  19. Mongala420

    washington Early Misty first Outdoor Grow

    Thanks man !!! Yeah i leave mine out all day and night. I got there today to check on them and 2 little runt seedlings were dead so i tossed those. And one decent sized plant's lowere round leaves are turning yellow and looking weak. The soil seemed very very very dry so i watered it. Hopefully...