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  1. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    light issues
  2. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    im just gonna restart i should of had my lights like this the whole time
  3. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    the one plant is a bush now the others havent grown too well
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    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    I think the main problem i had at first was ph until i got strips the ph was over 8 In my tap water and my soil was even higher and those only affected the picture i uploaded when i started using rain water and started 4 more seedlings those are doing better then the one that is a week older...
  5. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    im gonna go this weekend get mg potting soil perlite and superthrive and i think they will thrive
  6. S

    Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

    Just got some bubble hash stoned and bored now lol whats up
  7. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    I am pretty sure those are the same size buckets I have will those be good until harvest?
  8. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    how many gallons should the buckets be and how many plants and watts for that size box? much appreciated and yeah hes hating cause he seen my plants that had high ph my others are stable i just don't feel like uploading more
  9. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    alright and how many plants do you recommend for that size box that's 275 watts right now planning to add more and yes i have seen that seed and contemplated getting it
  10. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    well like i said the rest of my plants are doing really good i only uploaded the bad ones and yeah i can just transfer into different soil i gave them a small amount of miracle grow plant food 8th the does and noticed an improvement those pics are kinda old but did get a bit of a burn like i...
  11. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    they are about two and a half weeks old now wondering if its even worth the electricity since its mersh
  12. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    are random bag seeds gonna produce shitty weed? cause i dont even want to invest but i might not too sure yet but i wanna get cheap soil since they are reg seeds
  13. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    lol i know right what soil do you guys recommend i have 5 buckets i think they are 3 gallon do the males grow taller at first? or does it stay consistent between sex ill keep you guys posted and upload a pic
  14. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    This was just a trial run before i get my autos all my other plants are doing well the mutant is due to high ph in soil i just wanted to know what soil to start auto seedlings with before you use the fox farm ocean blend and i have 250 watts of 6500k and 150 watts of 2700k and will be switching...
  15. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    can i start a auto seedling off with foxfarm or will it burn it "hypothetically"
  16. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    these were random bag seeds so no investments besides the 250 watt cfl
  17. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    can i start off with foxfarm or will it burn an auto
  18. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    lol the soil has been in my backyard for 5 yrs
  19. S

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    they arent weed lol