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  1. B

    Vinegar to lower pH in a DWC bubbler

    Alright guys thanks for the replies. I guess I will just get some pH down to be safe.
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    Vinegar to lower pH in a DWC bubbler

    Is vinegar a bad idea to use in a DWC bubbler to lower water pH? The water at my house is around 7.3pH. I've heard that vinegar is fine to use for soil but haven't heard anything about it in a DWC. I've also read that vinegar breaks down fast. Would it be better to just use pH down?
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    The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style

    Question: I used vinegar in the water to lower the pH. Is this a bad idea? I figured pH Down probably is an acidic solution so vinegar couldn't hurt. What do you guys think? The water pH in my house is around 7.3; I was trying to get it somewhere around 5.5 or 6 in the rez.
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    The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style

    haha shit I skipped that part I guess. I always thought the roots being exposed to light was a bad thing but I guess you proved it doesn't. I might just tape it up anyways or spray paint it black on the outside anyways just for the hell of it haha. I think my airstone should be sufficient. It's...
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    The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style

    On another note, is it really bad if a little light gets through the foam on the sides? I'm having trouble getting full light blockage. But if so I figured I could just cover the gaps with the reflective tape.
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    The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style

    This was answered two posts up by homerdog. Zen also answered it on post 26 here:
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    The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style

    Damn styrofoam cups are a good idea! I might just go get some of those tmrw.
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    The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style

    Does everyone use nutes in these cloners? I'm just asking because Zen doesn't say he used nutes and I've heard people cloning in straight water before without hormone or nutes. Also, I've heard of people using vinegar to adjust water pH for watering soil. Would it be a bad idea to use vinegar to...
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    growing with cfl and dwc

    thats pretty nice. How do they look now?
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    GardenTech Rootone vs. GreenLight RooTone

    So no one knows anything about this or what?
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    GardenTech Rootone vs. GreenLight RooTone

    I'm pretty sure most people use the GardenTech brand but the GreenLight brand sounds like the same stuff and I can get it at Lowes which is a plus. GardenTech: GardenTech™ GreenLight: 2 Oz. Light RooTone Root Powder Both have fungicide, I'm assuming either will work but I've only seen...
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    Overwatered? Underwatered? Dead?

    haha that shit died slowly. I'm pretty sure I didn't keep the cube moist enough but O well. Thanks for the help
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    Overwatered? Underwatered? Dead?

    Sorry for my noobness. Well I started out in the rockwool cube like in SeeMoreBuds book. I was watering it a little bit everyday and it look great. I transfered the cube to a 5 gal pot after 5 days and watered it with a about .5 gallon of water (roughly 7.4 pH). Im using MG soil (good call)(pH...
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    Overwatered? Underwatered? Dead?

    thats actually the flash that makes it look bright. I had 2 23watt cfls on it. Should I re-water it till its real moist or should I use a new seed? I have another seed but I was hopin I could save this one. The seed is in a rockwool cube also. You can't really see it in the pics tho. Its not...
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    Overwatered? Underwatered? Dead?

    This was growing good but yesterday the leaves started pointing upwards. Today the tips are curling over. Not sure whats going on with it. Maybe some1 else can tell. It's about a week old. Sorry for the blurry pics.
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    What do you think of this pH meter?

    alright cool. It was only $8 with tax so thats not too bad. But if I could just something cheaper that worked better I'd rather return this and get that. Also, does any1 know if this thing is capable of testing water pH? Or will it only test soil pH? I don't see why it would only do one over...
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    What do you think of this pH meter?

    I just bought this because I wanted a pH meter but I'm a little skeptical of how accurate it's going to be. Has any1 used one of these before? I don't want to open it if it sucks so I can return it. This is the company I got its a "HoldAll" brand. New Page 1 This one looks basically the same...
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    First Time CFL w/ LST Questions

    alright thanks for the advice! I just bought 6 daylight cfl's. I'm still waiting for my seed to sprout out of the ground tho. Hopefully the CFLs help it come up in the next couple of days. I had it outside for the first 3 days/nights and no luck. Hope its not dead!
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    First Time CFL w/ LST Questions

    any other suggestions? :)