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  1. 4

    How much do you pay your helpers?

    You shouldn't need any helpers. Its just more rewarding that way. More money/weed for you in the long run. Another thing.. only include your closest friends or people you trust more than yourself. My suggestions for a reasonable pay would be if they are your close friends, promise them an...
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    Requsting A Scrog Forum

    What is scrog? :p
  3. 4

    Stealth Speaker Grow

    Im not going to lie, that setup is pretty boss. Not only is it inconspicuous, but its just cool. Your only problems are going to be space, but you know that, and possibly the stench. Why go through so much to seclude your grow, when anyone that knows what pot smells like can easily distinguish...
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    The attic could get too hot still this time of year. Easily reaching 100+ degrees farenheit.
  5. 4

    easiest bong ive ever made / travel bong

    Lol... I remember those back when I couldnt afford a REAL pipe. Travel? Get real. You can travel your ass up to a damn gas station and purchase a pack of papers. God knows every damn speedway in the world sells zags.
  6. 4

    Stem Question

    Well this IS general marijuana growing so you guys should expect some general questions revolving this topic. But if you must know, I can lend some info. My plants are roughly 5 weeks old. Grown 2 inches from a 1.4 foot (long) fluoro light. Temps aren't hot, and light cycle is still 24 hours...
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    Stem Question

    The main stem on one of my bigger plants is starting to turn a shade of purple. Its more like a DARK reddish-purple, but is this any sign of what might come in the future?
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    What i would do is definately NOT move to outdoors. Trying to move those plants could get you caught in a heart beat. Your best bet is to move them some where inconspicuous in your house and tell your parents you got rid of them.
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    flowering. what to do next? pics

    Other than possibly adding blooming nutes, the only thing you really can do, is be patient.
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    When should I switch to Flowering?

    Well I planned on waiting til it got around 1.3 feet or so before I forced flowering. I dont wan't them to get too tall. I need the plants to concentrate on budding, not growing. If they dont grow the "5 leaves" in the next 2 weeks, would it be ok to put it into flowering even if they have only...
  11. 4

    wow germinated seed broke through the surface in 2 days!

    Well, my seeds germ'd fast too, but now they are growing slow. Could just be ideal germinating conditions.
  12. 4

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    yeah rofl, import a shitload of stinging nettles. You realize they get that name for a reason. they induce a horrible rash.
  13. 4

    HERMI-Good to smoke or not so much?...Pics

    Well, the buds look really tastey nonetheless. The "nanners" are just going to turn into seeds more than likely. Not really a big deal, the buds will be less potent now, but from the looks of them so far, that wont really be a problem. Good luck.
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    When should I switch to Flowering?

    I am highly interested in some answers here :)
  15. 4

    How much longer!!!!!?????

    Well they could still be getting too much light at night. Try photoshocking it into flowering with the box method. Best of luck.
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    first plant

    This user does not have any albums to display.
  17. 4

    How much longer!!!!!?????

    Wow they are really healthy plants. Since you grew them outdoors, you will have to let nature take effect. There are alternative ways of forcing them to flower. If you get a big enough card board box and you made sure it was completely dark inside, set the box over the plants for 36 hours...
  18. 4

    first plant

    it says you dont have any albums to display. Correct that problem before we can help :P
  19. 4

    What percent of hairs?

    Well there are other ways of determining when without a magnifier. The hairs will turn a shade of red, or sometimes a brownish color. Once they are 90% brown or red, its time to harvest.
  20. 4

    My plants wont stop vegging! been MONTHS

    Are they females? If they are, and haven't been pollenated by males, by the time they do flower you are going to get a massive yield. What you could try doing to force them into flowering, is get a refridgerator box like stated above, and give them about 36 hours of COMPLETE darkness. That...