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  1. Kumar.420.HPS

    OG battle report: who's got the best ???

    Can anyone give me a guess on what kind of OG kush im dealing with? they were bag seeds from two different cross strains of og but not too sure what. was told big bud but i donno... any clues?? Thanx!!:leaf:! Happy Growing!
  2. Kumar.420.HPS

    1000w Multi-Strain Madness

    I have much too learn kiss-assplease tell me your secrets!!
  3. Kumar.420.HPS

    New Grower

    well... it is what it is. lol. they are coming down either way. i have no choice. I had too much N and in return ended up with what I have. Looks too be about a pound all together. 6 plants 1000 watt hps shoulda done much better. the healthy plants have a much nicer looking dence as hell bud...
  4. Kumar.420.HPS

    New Grower

    YES YES YES Dame this is looking like some good ass bud!:leaf::hump: even the sickos!
  5. Kumar.420.HPS

    New Grower

    So looking good with 2 weeks left. Notas much as I would of liked and two of my plants got sic at the end. But Im very anxious and happy for the out come! Thanx too everyone who helped me through this first one. i hope one day i can returne the favor!:peace: Hey heres some pics of the trichs...
  6. Kumar.420.HPS

    HELP!! new grower. rookie mistake. TOO MUCH N!!

    built up a nice little detox for them:mrgreen: heres what the healthy ones look like.
  7. Kumar.420.HPS

    HELP!! new grower. rookie mistake. TOO MUCH N!!

    did it did it did it. I also did deside to clip off the dead shit and bent and tied them down. they are still growing and seem to be doing much better but are def maturing faster then the rest. and the crowns are looking alot like BygonEras first pic there. but the other four are looking just...
  8. Kumar.420.HPS

    HBBum Strawberry Dream II

    That Is super sweet Man! Envious :weed:
  9. Kumar.420.HPS

    HELP!! new grower. rookie mistake. TOO MUCH N!!

    check it out. much worse today. should i still just let them do there thing?
  10. Kumar.420.HPS

    Yellowing Problem 5 weeks into Flowering

    here is some up too date pics of the problem. much worse today on two plants.
  11. Kumar.420.HPS

    Yellowing Problem 5 weeks into Flowering

    Im gonna.. lol. I just put so much into it from seeds outa my bag to now! thanx i think im just a bit freaked. every one will be better then the last! :twisted:
  12. Kumar.420.HPS

    HELP!! new grower. rookie mistake. TOO MUCH N!!

    Im Learning more and more every day! Thanx Man. Im sure it will!
  13. Kumar.420.HPS

    HELP!! new grower. rookie mistake. TOO MUCH N!!

    your right. just flush and chill. NO MORE MG!! into the garbage it goes! whAT about bending it? or will i likely end up with seedS. Thanx for the advise!
  14. Kumar.420.HPS

    Yellowing Problem 5 weeks into Flowering

    Please help. I have too Much Nitrogen in my girls what do I do?? I only have 3 weeks of flowering left? should I flush and bend them all too make the best of it. will this help the plant use up its N?
  15. Kumar.420.HPS

    HELP!! new grower. rookie mistake. TOO MUCH N!!

    Sry i Had a About planting some small N loving plants maybe 1 or 2 around the edge of the pot? will this work aswell? i Know it can with tomatos? like i said just a though. any input?
  16. Kumar.420.HPS

    HELP!! new grower. rookie mistake. TOO MUCH N!!

    thank you. Yes I am growing in a tripple mix soil. One of the plants look a bit worse now but the rest are fine. I have desided too do the flush now I think its prob best. you think i can still beefw up the yield if i can flush it soon enoff. Oh well, Live and learn. I forgot to mention I had a...
  17. Kumar.420.HPS

    HELP!! new grower. rookie mistake. TOO MUCH N!!

    Hi, I need help. I have a beutiful half dosen girls All with way too much nitrogen. I really thought they were fine up till now:/. But the claws have turned too dried edges very fast and i now know what the problem is im just not sure on the best way if any too solve it? I am about 6 / 9 weeks...
  18. Kumar.420.HPS

    New Grower

    Right on I will look into that for sure. I would like too try many different combos of lights for my next grow. I really liked the results from the grow floresence and cfls i found. i also have these spot grows and i am going to get some LEDs as well.:weed: Im addicted lol. heres a few recent...
  19. Kumar.420.HPS

    New Grower

    thank you! Ive been using MG all purpose liquid plant food 8-7-6. Ive desided too dis continue it and just go with the jobes spikes 4-4-4 broken up around the surface. And the wonderfull tea i have been brewing. thanx again for the advice. i will keep posting more pics. Oh I was also wondering...
  20. Kumar.420.HPS

    New Grower

    So do you think its a good idea too continue with the MG?