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  1. jendice

    My electric bill went up A LOT - Sounthern Cali

    Hey all, Should a 400w MH bulb use around the same wattage as equivilent CFL's combined? So should 20x23watt CFL's use 460watts? My bill went up WAY more with the CFL's compared to the MH bulb...but I had other factors in my household so I want to make sure it wasn't the new bulbs. Thanks,
  2. jendice

    Quick and easy question!

    Just make sure you don't over water. Every couple of days should be fine. I misted mine with a spray bottle for about the first week or so, on the seedlings and in the surrounding soil. The roots at this point are only about an inch or two long so just make sure the soil immediatley around...
  3. jendice

    hermie, boy, tom boy or just plain dike?

    those look like pure male to me
  4. jendice


    i kept the clones of the 2 hermis going and sure enough both started to show male genitals along with the dominant female hairs. A little history...All of these plants went through severe nute burn early on and were all shriveled up. After they recovered and were growing nicely for a while, I...
  5. jendice


    Ok cool. i don't think the male flowers opened up yet judging by the few pictures i can find online. Can anyone look at my pictures and verify they look closed still? as far as keeping them...I'm kinda paranoid about keeping male flowers around that could pollenate my females. I'll probably...
  6. jendice


    Thanks for the response. I just went through all of them thruroughly and found another one will male flowers. i removed it also. How soon into flowering can the males pollinate the females, in general? Should i be safe since i removed it at the second week? If not, how soon can i...
  7. jendice


    Hello, I was rearranging my pots and just noticed one of my plants has what i'm pretty sure are male flowers. I've been flowering at 12/12 light for about 2-3 weeks now. All 6 plants originally showed lots of white pistils and so i assumed all were female. The one with the male flowers also...
  8. jendice

    Are my container too small?

    Ok, i guess i've leave the the fuck alone :) I'd rather not fuck with them but just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing. Any other opinions? Why does everyone say 3 to 5 gallons then? just curious...that's 4 to 6 times bigger than what they're in now. btw the main stems are about...
  9. jendice

    Are my container too small?

    I have 6, probably soon to be 5 since i think all but one is female, growing under a 400w MH light. I'm pretty limited on space, check out the pic. i guess it's about 3' feet long by barely 2' wide. Right now i'm using 3/4 gal (3 liter) 6in wide square containers. I just started flowering at...
  10. jendice

    How many 23w cfls for clones and mother?

    Hey guys, I'm setting up a chamber for clones and a mother plant. I have about a 2' x 3' area that goes up to the celing now but i'm going to put a shelf about 2' off the ground to put a veg chamber under and keep my flower room above. I have two 4 light fixtures that i'm thinking of putting...
  11. jendice

    Male flowers before 12/12?

    Go to know. Thanks for all the replies! Can you smoke males at this stage and get any sort of buzz? Should i just kill it now, what else can you do with them besides use for fathers?
  12. jendice

    Male flowers before 12/12?

    Here's the picture Male, right???
  13. jendice

    Male flowers before 12/12?

    Hey guys. I have 7 plants about 7 weeks into veg at 18/6 light and one of them is starting to show, what i believe, is very obvious male sex organs on the top 2 nodes. Groups of "seed shaped", pod-like flowers unlike what i've seen before on my females. This is only my second grow and my first...
  14. jendice

    Curled Under, Skinny Leaves, Yellowing

    I transplanted them into 3/4 gal square pots with some nute and ph neutral soil i got from a grow shop. A lot spongier and more perlite than the miracle grow soil too. They are doing MUCH better! All the new leaves are big, flat wide and healthy...and growing nicely I did end up having to prune...
  15. jendice

    Curled Under, Skinny Leaves, Yellowing

    Thanks Phinxter and bleezy The more i re-read what I've documented and when I think about the MG soil that i decided to use on my own from Home Depot and not get organic plain shit, I'm realizing it's gotta be over nuted. The plants are choking and burning on it. Well...lesson learned. I...
  16. jendice

    Curled Under, Skinny Leaves, Yellowing

    Too much nutes...thanks, jats. So what's the next step? flush? i wanted to put them in bigger pots soon anyways so...transplant to new soil? what's the easiest way to get back to neutral ph/nutrient level?
  17. jendice

    Curled Under, Skinny Leaves, Yellowing

    Hey guys. Can anyone help me figure out what's wrong with my 7 plants. Here is some background... SETUP lamp: 400w MH light. distance: 18-24" medium: soil, Miracle Grow (spongy, some perlite) container size: 1/2 gallon, 6" diam room size: 2x4' ventilation: fans on each side, constant light...
  18. jendice

    poppys everything you need to know

    where do you get the seeds? are they illegal like marijuana or do you just go to a garden store and look for popaver somniferum any specific brand, package, or name to look for? ...or do you have to get them online?
  19. jendice

    Am I ready to Harvest???

    Hi guys, I know this question is asked over and over but i'm a first timer and not sure if my plants are ready to harvest yet. I've been growing 3 plants mostly indoors under a 250W MH bulb, i started to put them outdoors during the day during the veg cycle and noticed the white hairs on the...