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  1. W

    Is she dying or is it normal?

    Thanks people. At least now I know whats causing the coulor change. I'v just fed again with tomato feed to see if that helps!
  2. W

    Is she dying or is it normal?

    Hi All Can I ask for someones advice please......:shock: The strain I have is Durban Poison. She's about 3 weeks into flowering but over the last couple of days she doesn't seem to have grown any!!. I have checked the 'problems' forum but couldn't relate to any of the symptoms.....however I am...
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    Help! Strawberry cough too big for greenhouse!!

    Hi WillC I'm also in the UK, dreadfull summer or lack of!!. This is one plant in a bucket, it was 2 but thanks to advice gained from these chaps.......just got rid of a male. I use nothing but tomato feed (Wilkies own brand). The strain is Durban Poison. Chosen because it's meant to be a hardy...
  4. W

    Can you smoke a Hermie??

    Hi All As suggested, I disposed of the male:clap: (which I thought was a Hermie). I now have one plant left, a female, hoorah!! maybe I will get that smoke :leaf: Here she is, not the biggest or best but mine, grown in a Northern town, England. What I have to do next is 'suss-out' when and how...
  5. W

    you certainley don't want any of these!

    Whatever you want in your smoke you certainley don't want any of these! :evil:
  6. W

    Can you smoke a Hermie??

    Thought I was doing well by having a hermie however on closer inspection I think I may have an outright male here? If it is how long have I got before its pods pop:confused:
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    Can you smoke a Hermie??

    Can anyone please explane 'intersexed plants' and can they be smoked????
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    Can you smoke a Hermie??

    Too late for that m8, they share the same bucket......
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    Can you smoke a Hermie??

    Been through plenty stress!! equipment is very basic 1, bucket 2, plants 1, shed for the 12/12 period...which I'm into day 10 of as I say, basic... I bought the seeds from a shop not realy thinking that they would do anything, cost me £20. If I get to smoke just an eighth of an ounce...
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    Can you smoke a Hermie??

    I first noticed the I correct in thinking that what I think are balls are actualy false seed pods or have I made that up?? :roll:
  11. W

    Can you smoke a Hermie??

    I will post a picture of the offending 'Balls' (also known as gonads) when I can. The plant it's self (Durban Poison) looks quite nice apart from the gonads!! bongsmilie
  12. W

    Can you smoke a Hermie??

    Hi All I think my plant is a herm!! :-? If so, 1, Do I pick of the male bits and let it finish budding? :confused: 2, Will I be able to smoke it? :joint: Whats the best thing to do? any advice is more than welcome
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    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    a pot steeling Sasquatch.......... WOW these mushrooms are good!!
  14. W

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    Nice crop m8. Here's mine, you can laugh if you want to :joint: not too bad for a Northern town in England. This was taken a couple of weeks ago. I will take another today and post that ASAP
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    Harvesting with roots

    I was told to pull up the plant, roots intact and hang accordingly. The plant then puts all its energy into trying to survive, this energy can only go to one place....the budds!
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    Back-yard dirt

    Your right, NoDrama, a bigger pot would be better however I have to move the plant when the mother-in-law pops round or we get visitors so portability is important (it only just fits in to my garden shed). Can you give me any advice for 'yellowing leaves'. If you look at the attached pic you...
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    Back-yard dirt

    Originally Posted by P.R dude Is it possible to turn back-yard dirt into a fine soil? Give it a shot, all as I have is a bucket filled to about three qurters full of soil then topped up with all purpose compost, I feed once a week with tomato feed.