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  1. M

    70W HPS super stealth grow box questions

    Ok, i know noone is following this anymore, but just for kicks, I ended up moving that baby outdoors this summer, it grew to like 3.5 ft and developed some of the dankest weed i have ever smoked, just fyi
  2. M

    70W HPS super stealth grow box questions

    The 70w is definitely great for just 1 or 2 plants. I returned from my absence to find my little super stealth plant twice the size it was when I left, it had grown way up reaching for light that wasnt there haha. Anyway, i have been taking care of her ( i saw some pistils, its a girl!) and shes...
  3. M

    70W HPS super stealth grow box questions

    Well, so that original 9 weeks i had has partially elapsed, i am down to like 4 more weeks, and then i have to be away for at least a week and half, during which time there cant be any light on, and there will be noone to water... so either i figure something out then, start over with the same...
  4. M

    70W HPS super stealth grow box questions

    actually its not going too bad, got a little baby, burnt him a little, then figured out a good airflow pattern, now the little guy (i hope its not a guy) is doing pretty well, i think shes approximatly like 7 days oldish
  5. M

    70W HPS super stealth grow box questions

    So I am goin super stealth, i have a cardboard box, inside another cardboard box, covered in a blanket, with a 70w HPS from home depot. it has a recently germinated and planted seed in a small cup to get started, but not only do i have limited space, and some authority near me, i also have...
  6. M

    How are my clones?

    they died, it was my fault, the soil was, as was said, no where near fine enough, and the procedure i followed for cloning was at best mediocre, i hope to have more success next time. i think the main problem was an air bubble in the stem, it was not stressed enough in the cloning guide i used...
  7. M

    How are my clones?

    thanks! i will grab some potting soil, and i just took down the foil, do you think these ones have any chance of survival?
  8. M

    How are my clones?

    this was a depressing week for growing... i had to leave for a few days, and i was worried about it because i wouldn't be able to mist them and shit... so apparently they were doing quite well (just makes this more depressing), but my friend got worried someone would see the light and so moved...
  9. M

    How are my clones?

    thanks ill try setting it for 24 and keeping them pretty far from it, they came off the plant a week ago tommorow, the plant was probly like 3 ft tall and at the end of the veg stage, these guys have kinda been on a health roller coaster, one day they look good the next they are wilting
  10. M

    How are my clones?

    So they look like shit, and it has happened since i put up the foil, i just read in another thread that apparently to much light is bad while they are trying to root, so i am going to remove the foil and move the light away a little... i hope this works, because id really hate for these guys to...
  11. M

    How are my clones?

    So here is my updated setup, i put up a little (ok a lot) of foil to get them some more light, and i have been spraying them will the spray bottle pretty regularly, and they are under the humidity dome all the time. The smaller one is not doing very well, and the bigger one looks about the same...
  12. M

    How are my clones?

    yea that one is looking really good now, the other just lost a leaf... how will i know when they have rooted and i should take the humidity dome off?
  13. M

    How are my clones?

    So i took these 2 off my friends plant a little less than 4 days ago, they seemed to be wilting reallllllly fast when i got them home, so i looked online and figured out the humidity dome thing, and i have had them under that and they have perked up quite a bit, i was just wondering if they look...
  14. M

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    fdd do you have any numbers for the straight up weight of all that when your done? looks great btw
  15. M

    Ridiculously early Harvest, or leave them be?

    i left them... mainly being lazy/hopefull my friend would take care of them, we will see the damage when i return
  16. M

    Ridiculously early Harvest, or leave them be?

    Ok so i have 4 baaaaaby plants, i mean babies, just barley getting their 2nd and 3rd pair of leaves, they are about 3 or 4 inches high, what im wondering is, in about a week im leaving the area, and wont be back till late November, should i practice a little infanticide (not that im hoping to...