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  1. aSsCrAcKeR

    ceramic metal halide vs standard metal halide veg

    Heres some good info and tests with ceramic metal halides and other globes,
  2. aSsCrAcKeR

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    air or root pruning is when u cut or trim your roots. Anyways your right you don't have to use growing medium with net pots but sometimes especially with aeroponics because the water is misted or sprayed all inside the rez tank the roots with grow inside the netpot and because your not using...
  3. aSsCrAcKeR

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    looks like the roots is filling the airspace inside the pot before it wants to grow out and under. it's aeroponics so he's getting water everywhere in that reserve even inside the netpot i doubt it's the system
  4. aSsCrAcKeR

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    Looking at your pic i can see thatyou put the plant in the net cup without hyroton aka clay pellets you've just put the whole rootball into the netcup without any growing medium in between the roots to allow air pockets and space out the roots so it can grow out the holes of the netpots. it...
  5. aSsCrAcKeR

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    can you put up a pic so i can see exactly what and how ur plants look?
  6. aSsCrAcKeR

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    ohh so it's basically held by the stem with like a neoprene collar and the roots are hanging in mid air getting misted by the aeroponics misters?
  7. aSsCrAcKeR

    Net pot size question/ large scale hydro help

    He right, it's does'nt really matter what size net pot you use aslong as the stem has alot of room to grow and really if you think about it, the net pot is just there to hold the plant in place the roots dangle down and always find the water, its the roots natural behaviour to grow out and find...
  8. aSsCrAcKeR

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    How long have you had them in the netpot and what growing medium do you use? clay pellets? rockwool?
  9. aSsCrAcKeR

    Hey hey from Australia

    How ya'll doing..!!! i'm from melbourne, myself. Joined this site not long ago plus i just started my first grow at the moment and boy have i had i lot of fuck ups through the learning progress....RIU has a good source of info that's helped me through the grow phase. Good Stuff...
  10. aSsCrAcKeR

    metal halide lamp in a mercury vapor ballast

    some mh sylvania bulbs require pulse ignition therefore need a mh pulse ignitor to run those globes as opposed to probe start, just be aware when purchasing mh bulbs. Some info on it
  11. aSsCrAcKeR

    Greetings from Aus

    Hey all just wanted to drop in and say g'day to my fellow aussies, i'm from victoria btw long time lurker and also first time grower. Hope we can all get along and help each other exchange helpfull information among the comunity. Peace y'all. :-)