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  1. L

    HYBRID'S Jack The Ripper + Bubba Kush

    I have the same BK and the mites love the f*cker.....great looking grow- keep the updates comin.
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    5 weeks into flower. What do you think? (PICS)

    looks good. the small ones just dwarfed....i have one in the same boat and its kinda cool. Think bonzai
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    wrong spectrum for flowering

    yes....what did you/are you using?
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    help? lower leaves dying?

    oh and i have mylar on mine with the same hoods and there deffinitly chillin. Had to raise the lights though recently due to warmer temps.
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    help? lower leaves dying?

    i just had the same problem. transplanting them into ffOcean Forest saved them. Make sure to CAREFULLY get as much of the old soil away from the roots as possible. Put it in a 3 gallon or 5 depeneidng on what your plans are and water. Ot will look good in a week to a week and a half. And i...
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    outdoor grow need help wicked bad

    +1 on nitrogen. Have had the same problem....nice looking plants minus the yellowing though
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    my first time growing indoor cannabis lot of pics and +rep for anayone who post :)

    just read all 48 pages. Perfect.... How does your odor filter cope with the smell? looks small for the amount of plants
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    HELP!!! I'm Pulling My Hair Out Trying To Figure This Out. (pics included)

    i just flushed again and it brought it down slightly.....its worth a shot- and the slight drop on my side seems to have helped my plants. Id say do it
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    HELP!!! I'm Pulling My Hair Out Trying To Figure This Out. (pics included)

    ph deffinitly matters. The nutrients-specifically nitrogen isnt being absorbed. I would throw some ph down into your next watering to get the pH down to below 7 atleast. I watered with pH 5 water and ill be damned if today there not back up to 7 again........
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    HELP!!! I'm Pulling My Hair Out Trying To Figure This Out. (pics included)

    home depot has cheap soil test pH meters. Ask for a moisture meter in the garden soil pH of this same strain growing was just at over 8 and looked similar to what yours does. It caused a nutrient lockout and fucked my plants up but it looked damn close to what yours do. Whats your...
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    pH was at!

    should i continue to water with acidic water until im down to 6-6.4 or let them dry out and then re-water? I am afraid of shocking them but the pH is still above what i want it.
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    pH was at!

    Just started my first legal grow :hump: and currently i have 8 clones which have been planed and are growing away however due to shitty soil and lack of a tester my pH made it up over 8 and the plants are now yellowing with burnt tips. I adjusted with pH down and flushed the plants with lower...
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    Snocap anyone

    i have it growing at the moment from meds i picked up at a clinic. It smoked great so im interested to see how it turns out but its the first time ive grown it...
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    My Very First Grow

    also please keep us informed on what you do to cure it etc. thx
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    My Very First Grow

    this shit looks amazing! i can wait to hear how much you get. good work
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    Who are you? a/s/l

    20/m/ca. currently baked. hows everyone else?
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    The green in the closet

    so have you had any problems with the cfl's being that close for flowering...any browning of leaves or anything? im contemplating getting like ten or so to flower a few plants and just have them around on all sized like you did, but with more lights but im worried about any heat that they kick...
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    My Very First Grow

    so what did you do for smell, or are you filtering the outbound air out of the box?
  19. L

    is this secret to hydro fluctuation

    my bad...i guess there right
  20. L

    is this secret to hydro fluctuation

    ok so you may be able to hide the light cycles but your going to be using alot of electricity with 2x400 watts. just make sure when you get the first bill its not far and above the previous one. otherwise hapy growing cause it sounds like you got your shit covered. very nice setup