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  1. P

    Calling al blunt smokers need your help.

    lol what? all my area porn stores have very nice smoking accessory collections, plus porn... i mean common!
  2. P

    Calling al blunt smokers need your help.

    The other day was with some friends of a friend and one of them had a pre rolled cone shaped blunt (like a cyclone) but it had a wood tip. it was friggin fantastic. does anyone know what it was, or where i can find one, i swear it was a clycone but i can't find one like that anywhere tried...
  3. P

    time to play is it a male?

    very much so, the pics are about 4 hours old now so good to hear i'm clear heh just paranoid i guess, started with 8 plants, fan fell on one snapped the stem, and now out of the 7 remaining, 4 were male bleh, well here is to hoping the clones take, and that these turn out to be good...
  4. P

    how long do you have...

    alright cool thanks, was just worried, can't believe 4 plants turned out to be male, bleh. oh well hopefully these will produce well and the clones will take =(
  5. P

    how long do you have...

    before a male plant can pollenate the females, i'm 1 week into flower, and just removed 3 of the males, any chance they could of pollinated already?
  6. P

    time to play is it a male?

    wow speedy, thats what i thought, just wanted confermation, so damn hard to kill of plants =( on that note, should i be worried that they pollonated my 4 females? i'm 5 days into flower
  7. P

    time to play is it a male?

    i fear these are male, help.
  8. P

    Clone Help

    5 days old today
  9. P

    Obama wins!!!!

    He is much more a socialist then a commie, if you are going to spout off stupid comments at least make them semi plausable
  10. P

    Clone Help

    First time taking clones do these look normal? look like they are dying to me =/ they are in a tray with cover, have been misting 3x a day (the cover not the plants directly) under 2 20 watt fluro's (verilux full spectrum bulbs) instant sun with phosphor 3 the light sits right above the...
  11. P

    please help

    ? i ment giving them that many hours of light actually, my whole question was basically if plants need time to i guess simply put it, recoup after taking cuttings for clones before being put into flower cuz i know it is a big no no to take clones while the plant is flowering, but i assume...
  12. P

    please help

    thanks for the replies, should work out about perfect took em round 2 am this morning, will just give it an extra day and put em 12/12 sunday night which should give them 55ish hours before 12/12
  13. P

    please help

    alrighty, first time taking clones. going to be switching my plants to flower (wanted to do it this sat) due to cash limitations i was unable to get my clone box up and going until about 2 hours ago. and was wondering if i should wait more then a day to put them into flower or if it will be ok...
  14. P

    Which Seedbank?

    i agree on the autoflowering nonsense, makes sense i guess for like a pc case grow or something IMO, but just seems like a total waste if you have the space/lighting to support bigger lusher plants. lol In my area choices of strain are pretty much impossible, ya get what ya get =/ so i used...
  15. P

    Which Seedbank?

    i'd definatly suggest Hemp depot, from time order was sent in to when i got the seeds was a total of like 8 days i believe. i ordered a blueberry x cinderella 99 cross and a Northern lights ak47 cross, growing the blue berry now all 10 seeds poped, and 8 of them were female (the...
  16. P

    1st grow, a cloning and flowering q

    Alright, anywho well i have my first grow started, i am about 5 weeks in from seed. Growing a blueberry x Cinderella 99 (joey weed seed, thanks hemp depot! heh) in a 4.5 ft x 2.5 ft tentish room with 2 procyon 100's and 8 x 100w eqiv Daylight cfls (all toghter my whole grow only uses 300 watts...
  17. P

    Culling the crop

    thanks for the replies, I was pretty sure that i should have removed them but its just so hard to kill em off =/ ee gad what am i going to do when they start showing sex heh.
  18. P

    Culling the crop

    Should I remove the Weak Slow growing seedlings i've sprouted? It has been about 3 weeks now and 2 of my 10 plants look awful the other 8 look fantastic. First grow and just unsure what to do. mostly wondering because I have 2 plants in one pot, and if I removed the sickly one I'd have a...