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    Best Game While Stoned!

    yo there is a shit load of people that still play D&D, my brother still plays it and he is almost 30. he was telling me that they do it at the library down the road from my house every week.
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    hey guys

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    My Tattoo

    yo HazyVille, can u do me a have the next time your high can u draw me something i am looking forward to getting another tat but i am not shore i want to see what u come up with and i have another friend doing the same. i cant find anything that i like. i use to draw alot but i stopped cause i...
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    Best Game While Stoned!

    dude i would play tetris any day when i am high. it's so much fun, and so is coloring
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    Do You Kiss Her After The BJ?

    if anything u have to kiss her cause if would make the girl feel used and shit, make her feel better and just man up to it and kiss her.
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    hey guys

    high yall!!1
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    5 newb questions

    salvia is nothing like weed u smoke it but it's not like a high, it gives u a trip. and depending on how strong it is. i loved it and i would do it again but it's to expensive here. if and when u do it make shore u are in a good mood or it will be a really bad trip.