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  1. sunnicheebah

    FYI, Single Seed Center, No Visa

    I can't find any visa prepaid/gift card that doesn't require registration to activate international use.
  2. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    The end of week 6!!! She has definitely fattened up since last week! Overall I see that she is healthy. The leaves are decent enough color and lifted towards the light and the stem is vibrant green! Lets take a closer look at the individual tops of the mother plant. Lets take a close...
  3. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Thanks man! Which grow are you talking about? The purple berry one? I wish mine fattens up like that lol
  4. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    The end of week 5 is now! Supposedly this is when she starts to swell up. I think I am starting to see that. Tried to block the light a bit to show you true color. Turned out okay. Lets take a closer look at the colas of the mother plant. I can see the calyx's starting to show...
  5. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Here is an update for the end of week 4!!!! I just watered them so this is why the leaves may seem droopy. I am watering once a week and feeding every water. Mom plant gets 2 gallons of water and clone gets 1 gallon. Should I feed and water more often? I am only doing it if she is dry. Let me...
  6. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Week 3 is finished! Things are looking quite good I think. I am liking how she is turning out. No bud spot is more than 18 inches from the light. Here are some close ups of some of the many heads :) ! I am liking the structure of the clone. She is coming along nicely. Well that is all...
  7. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Alright sorry I was late with the updates! Here are the pics for the end of week 2!!! Things are moving along quite nice I believe. The budsites are really starting to pop everywhere. I am concerned though. Should I remove leaves to make more light penetration or just keep tucking away...
  8. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Flowering week 1 is finished! She has grown tremendously! I have managed to maintain the even canopy but adjusting the binding points of each branch. She responds so well! She has gotten very tall, almost to the top of the tomato cage! And here for the clone it was stretching a bit much...
  9. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Ok, this is day 65! I have transplanted to a 7 gallon pot about a week ago and, because I heard it is good to wait some time after transplanting, I have not flowered yet. I flip the lights off tonight and it will turn on after 12 hrs. Final pics of veg I believe she is now prepared for the...
  10. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 Flowering Time - Your Experiences?

    I saw it and I am happy I did! I have not begun flowering yet but I start in like a week. I have been told not to use any cal mag during flowering but with no experiences. You and kentuckyboy are telling me that you have experience and cal/mag is good??? If so I am definitely using it! Thanks...
  11. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Here is day 58!!! 2 more days and then I flip the lights off. Some people say to go dark for 36-48 hours but I think 24 hours is good enough to get the budding hormones fired up! Let me know what you guys do. Ok so now on to the progress pics! First here are the pics of the beautiful survivor...
  12. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Thanks JD! Good to hear from you again, friend! I will be posting pics after her trim today so that the node growth can be seen better! I just realized that I am not going to flower unless I get a cool tube light hood so that I can bring the lights as close as possible and get rid of the heat...
  13. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    OK! Here are the pics of day 54! I must say the LST really shines guys. Still an uneven plant that needs more training but she is so wonderfully bushy!!!! 3 more weeks of training and I am throwing her into my new flowering grow tent :D Got some pics of the clone's roots before I transplanted...
  14. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Well here are the pictures of the clone! And here are the 2 roots that I can see!!! The leaves that used to be yellow are starting to green up again! And those roots look pretty damn strong to me. If things go well I may keep her as a mother and flower the trained grandmother ^_^ What do...
  15. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    I have seen root signs in the clone!!!!!!!!!! I will be posting pics later tonight and I will be transplanting on Monday, maybe earlier :)
  16. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Yeah later today I saw even more balls, like 5 separate balls on both sides of each node, so I got rid of him :( I will be enjoying the others though! The clone still has not shown signs of decay and this is day 12 since I put her in the cup. I am assuming that this is a good sign. I hope it is...
  17. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Day 51!!! I have done the LST and I believe it turned out pretty good! Check it :) Before: After: The light is going to hit every branch nicely! I performed LST on all of the branches and the top main colas, but I think I should have only done LST on the top to let the lower branches...
  18. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    The AK47 is from the breeder CBD and she was a feminized seed, and the other indica looking plant is from some chronic bagseed. Do not know if the bagseed is female yet I HOPE SO :D Thank you Earthling, for showing interest in my grow!
  19. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Yay! Thank you ArCaned for your encouraging words! I intend to start the LST process in about 2 days. I will post everything in detail of course. I have been REALLY looking forward to this stage as it should get me a lot closer to my plant :) I am looking into scrog methods and I feel with the...
  20. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Yeah man the foil seems so inefficient now! The rate the plants are growing has improved drastically as you will see in tomorrow's update :D