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  1. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Just finished removing the aluminum foil from the walls and painted it flat white! I have to say, the room is a lot brighter and the temp dropped a decent amount. I was able to bring my lights lower to 18". I have also installed an exhaust fan and put it near the top of the plant to take the...
  2. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    I believe I am growing CBD ak but I do not really remember lol. I am thinking of removing the humidity dome after another week.
  3. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Alright! Here is day 46! Exactly 7 days from her first top and also the end of week number 1 for the clone! The ak plant is branching a lot and the 2 new colas are developing nicely. The indica bagseed is continuing its growth spurt. And the clone is still standing! First the canopy of the ak...
  4. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    LOL I am the wrong guy to be asking that. I am anosmic, meaning I can not perceive any smell. My wife, however, can smell and she said it was starting to smell a lot! I installed a DIY carbon filter to my new inline fan and the smell was abolished. I will post up some pictures later on of my...
  5. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Hey thanks a bunch papapayne! Your current garden is wonderful and very inspiring! I can tell you give a lot of love and care to your plants :)
  6. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Greetings Earthlings! Well today is day 42, only 3 days after her first top. And I must say she responded better than I expected to the Earth Juice Microblast I gave her. I will also be showing pictures of some indica looking bagseed that just had a growth spurt out of nowhere, worthy of...
  7. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    OK!!! It is day 39 and I have just done my first topping! I hope I did it right! Also I took the topped piece and set it up for cloning. Here she is before topping... This is the node I top at... And after the you can see I think I messed up because I snipped a piece of...
  8. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Thanks mikek420! Yeah I have 3 oscillating fans and there was no exhaust fan until today :) I have my lights about 2ft above my plant. Will see if the inline fan changes anything.
  9. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Thank you Rusty Shakelford and Gquebed for taking time to observe and give your wisdom. Things have turned out worse as you said Rusty. :( In only 2 days she has shown signs of more and more damage. I really think it is heat damage because she looks burnt but all symptoms that I mentioned look...
  10. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Greetings! Ok so here are the pics of day 34! Firstly, there is a problem that I saw yesterday before I gave her her weekly feeding. Everything looks great except for this one leaflet! I feel like this because of this the branch growth on that node is growing slower than the other as...
  11. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Greetings Earthlings! I have been doing some digging and many people say that I can top my little girl, AND use that top as a clone! This is of course awesome as I can flower two shorties simultaneously! I have also read that cloning the main stalk may lead to stem rot because of the increased...
  12. sunnicheebah

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Greetings Earthlings! Just finished reading the tread! Wow Nugbuckets, this information is invaluable. And to everyone in general for their experimenting and sharing nature! I will be using this method on my first grow, ak-47. I know that I shouldn't experiment the first time, but I LOVE...
  13. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    OK so here are the pics for day 30 from seed!!! (technically she is just entering week 3 of veg.) She is only about 5" tall or half a 20oz bottle of water lol I put so many pics because I want you to see every angle of the plant for proper diagnosis. I have dome my research and, except for her...
  14. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Very cool experiment you are doing, can't wait to observe the difference. I feel like there is too much luck involved with FIMing. I have read a lot of people saying that you must cut 50% of the new growth and others say to cut 80%. Just don't know how to properly gauge it. I have seen some...
  15. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    I think it is too late for this node now :( I read many places to top the new growth after it reaches about 1/4"-1/2" of height so I would have to wait for the 6th node...unless I am being too compulsive about this lol. Let's say that I do top it. How many nodes into it should I top for 4 medium...
  16. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    She looks like a healthy little baby! I am reluctant to top my little one, do you think she is too small? She already has about 4 nodes and completing here fifth. I feel she is very short though, even though she is growing fast...if that makes sense lol. It is scary but very exciting, this first...
  17. sunnicheebah

    AK 47 (HGS Seeds)

    Awesome! It is good to have a parallel reference :D Cant wait to see what the topping looks like!
  18. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    It is a 400watt light and it is 2ft high. And the plant is at 4 nodes already and working on the 5th node :D I was afraid if I brought the light down it would be a lot hotter. But if it will help her grow I will bring it down! Thanks a lot Earthling, for looking out for this here nooblet :)...
  19. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Greetings Earthlings! Here are the pics for day 26! Overall I am starting to notice the increase in the rate of growth every new node. :D
  20. sunnicheebah

    AK-47 progress!

    Again I have a small question about misting. Most people say do not mist EVER during flowering which makes obvious sense but alot also say not to mist during veg either! They say that the water droplets magnify the light, thus rendering the leaves, burned. I have been misting frequently every...