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  1. A

    Marijuana and Martial arts?

    never met a roid head to my knowledge, but if they're half as annoying as Brucie from GTA4 then i don't really care to lol
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    Amsterdam Coffee Shops

    There ya go, now your educated :) , if you could do that in the first place then why ask?
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    Marijuana and Martial arts?

    i stand corrected Sanchez Cleared to Fight Koscheck Despite Testing Positive for Marijuana in December - MMA on Tap however, they still get suspended so it's not as ok as you think
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    Marijuana and Martial arts?

    well i haven't heard much in ways of news reports about pro boxers being potheads, and thats not something that most sport officials would look kindly on.... would that mean it's ok for an olympic athlete to test positive for coke or speed?
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    My Girlfriend ..

    hahaha nice, gonna have to try that one some time, i got a camera on my mobile phone too, that will get recorded! lol :D
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    My Girlfriend ..

    Lmao that was funny, and similar to what i had in mind, except... whilst in mid session, pull out and cum on your hand... then slap that cheatin bitch across the face with it lol.
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    My Girlfriend ..

    Flip should've webbed that bitch before dumping her tho, that woulda been some funny shit.
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    People who...

    the first post in a thread is usually asking for an opinion on something (ring a bell?) so people like myself will answer that first post to give an unbiased and objective opinion without being swayed by what others have wrote.... that a good enough answer?
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    My Girlfriend ..

    good point.... but i'm not american so i don't "date" anyway, i was just trying to give advice in a way people would understand.... and while i may not put my faith in what women say, i'm by no means a dickhead myself, one woman at a time is enough for me.... i'm not greedy :)
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    My Girlfriend ..

    ahh but if you don't date them, then your gonna be using your hand for more than just typing ;)
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    My Girlfriend ..

    Theres a lesson here..... Don't trust women!
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    Marijuana and Martial arts?

    doubtful as a pro boxer has to undergo drug tests. :peace:
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    Marijuana and Martial arts?

    One of the main points of cannabis is that it makes you less aggressive.... more just because you can't be assed to fight with anyone, so thats a dumb question.... of course the sober guy is gonna train better... the other dude will get baked, get the munchies and probably play video game boxing...
  14. A

    Amsterdam Coffee Shops

    not legal... tolerated, learn the difference.... the coffeshops have to get it from somewhere, allthough growing for personal use is something i don't know about, i can't really see it being a problem tho but i would advise consulting the local laws
  15. A

    Amsterdam Coffee Shops

    yeah it's tolerated, but we never got bothered by anyone for smoking it in the streets.... just don't annoy other people with your smoke, not everyone in amsterdam smokes weed, or even cigs so don't go around smoking in crowded places and no-one will care.
  16. A

    Newbies on RIU and young people.

    Well duh.... you think us stoners just TALK about bein stoned? ya'll are hypocrits anyways... when your stoned out your mind what ya gonna do... search around for hours and hours or ask someone who'll give you an answer in 30 minutes or less? do you people forget this is a pot site, or do you...
  17. A

    Sorry I haven't been around in a while....

    watch the movie Tortured... that'll give you some more ideas
  18. A

    Newbies on RIU and young people.

    To be honest i think that way of thinking is a bit retarded... i would hope that a growing site would show a bit more respect to someone who wishes to start growing their own weed and help them with it.... and if not, don't bother reading their post and replying with some smart ass comment...
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    Newbies on RIU and young people.

    i'd LOVE to see these peoples CV's (Resume)... it would make for an interesting and comical read LOL. :blsmoke:
  20. A

    Bus beheading in Canada...

    Depends how he attacks you... for instance if he lunges to stab you then side-step him and grab his wrist, then do whatever you can to release his grip on the knife... without it he's powerless.... and as righton says, lead by example... someone else would've stepped in to help by that point...