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  1. xxstantheman420

    How big should I grow?

    every plant is gonna grow different. Take it as it goes, just remember that every plant can double or even triple in height after "the flip" and you'll be good.
  2. xxstantheman420

    BF Tangerine Dream

    Wheres the "like" button when you need it?
  3. xxstantheman420

    Bud rot???

    thanks for the help guys I started chopping it away, and ended up chopping up the whole plant it was on. There was barely anything left that didnt have any rot at all
  4. xxstantheman420

    Bud rot???

    thanks for the help. I took a few buds down and cut them in half. The stem is still green and on a few the very inside is a bit green, it kinda looks like its going from the outside in? Does that mean its not bud rot? I still see trichs on the bud so I tried to put my phone up to the microscope...
  5. xxstantheman420

    First Grow 4x4 tent 600w Purple Paralysis ScrOG

    Thanks! A few bumps along the way but I think ill have it more figured out for the next run lol:bigjoint:
  6. xxstantheman420

    Bud rot???

    For two days ive been looking up bud rot and im still going back and forth on whether or not I have it so please help lol I got pm on one of my plants during flower and i was fighting with it with greencure for a while. I heard alot about greencure burning pistils and surely did. Im...
  7. xxstantheman420

    First Grow 4x4 tent 600w Purple Paralysis ScrOG

    Two days into week 9: One of them went hermie! Theres banana pods all over the plant in the back right-hand corner -.- I'm gonna try to pick off as many as I can today and hopefully harvest on monday. I watered with plain ph'd water yesterday, and i'm gonna water one more time this weekend...
  8. xxstantheman420

    AK48 coco grow, 1st try at scrog

    its not letting me give you more rep, but im obsessed with those bleached tops. "like" :lol:
  9. xxstantheman420

    keepin her in veg too long?

    no problem. the wattage of your light is whats gonna get you bigger buds, but leaving it longer in veg is just gonna allow her to grow bigger, with more shoots and more buds. you can lst during bloom like tying shit down but nothing crazy, if you break something it wont grow again. lol i would...
  10. xxstantheman420

    keepin her in veg too long?

    the longer you keep a plant in veg, the bigger it'll grow, the more bud you'll have. to put it simply. 6ft sounds alot taller then it actually is especially when you account for the space the light will take up. look into low stress training (lst) to keep her growing bushier rather than taller...
  11. xxstantheman420

    we losing by ourself.

    deff transplant them but dont switch to dwc just yet. make it through this grow then switch on the next one if you feel confident enough. imo you shouldnt keep your lights on 24/7 switch to 18/6 for veg. the plants need a night cycle and its cheaper on your electric bill.
  12. xxstantheman420

    keepin her in veg too long?

    deff get pics i you can, it helps to get better advice. how big is the space you're gonna flower in? plants are gonna double or triple in height depending on the strain, just gotta make sure you have room to accommodate the new growth
  13. xxstantheman420

    Is this hermaphordism?

    yeah sorry, the male part is that ball right at the node
  14. xxstantheman420

    SIZE OF MY AUTO? helpppp!!

    I would suggest you start "fucking" with ph. its one of the easier things to do, and if your too lazy to do that then maybe you should rethink growing. having an off ph is just gonna fuck something else up and your gonna end up back here asking questions.
  15. xxstantheman420

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help

    im not sure if its lightburn, could be the flash making it look that way. But what im looking at is the lighter color on the cotyledons and the ends of your first leaves. could be a little nute burn too if you're adding nutes...or its just the flash lol. just look for discoloration. the...
  16. xxstantheman420

    Marijuana for an elderly woman in a non-medical state???

    thanks for answering back. im gonna try to ask around but im not sure ill get much feedback medical marijuana states around me just started off, and im not sure how to really go about finding a caretaker in those states, but i appreciate the input.
  17. xxstantheman420

    How much Longer?

    you got a little while left. get an illuminated microscope and check trich's for harvest time.
  18. xxstantheman420

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help

    ps: more lights=faster growth. you cant expect her to shoot up with 2 25w cfl's. be patient, it'll grow. good luck!
  19. xxstantheman420

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help

    I think your okay. I cant really tell with the flash but check for light burn, you may be a little too close. If you do have any burn just try to move the light 1/2" or 1" away.
  20. xxstantheman420

    Automatic humidifier.

    if you dont wanna waste the money on a humidifier you can just put a bucket of water in your grow room and see how that works. that method isn't really set it and forget it tho lol