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  1. M

    Help with delay in harvest...

    its not ready.. thricomes are mostly milky but still a lot of cristal/shining thrics... also theres a lot of pistils that seem to be not ready.. still like new...but it have a lot of dry leves
  2. M

    Help with delay in harvest...

    Hi everyone!!.. i have this two super silver haze in dwc.. that is supossed to be ready to harvest on January 31.. i flushed them like 12 dys ago.. but today (february 23) i saw them and it looks like needs more time.. maybe week.. or more ....should i give some nutrients to this plants..?? and...
  3. M


    i prefer a loupe between 20x-40x... your vision would be broad... the microscope with 60x or more can be a pain in the ass and sometimes you cant see because the clorofile ... also check with a led light if the thricomes are shining.. that means that there are clear thricomes...
  4. M

    Question about light and harvest..

    Hi !! .. my plan was to harvest today just right before the light came on.. but i was out of home and i didnt make it.. so the lights hav like 45 mins on... (8:45pm.. im in 8pm --8 am light cycle) ... the problem is that because my schedule ,.. i just can cut it tomorrow at 9 that ok if...
  5. M

    Question about kief

    Hi everyone!!...its all right to try to make kief with a bubble bag and dry ice just right after the harvest?? or need to wait until leaves get dry?ill appreciate any help!!! thanks!
  6. M

    Help please!!!

    Hi everyone!!... i have 5 plants in flowering(5 weeks)... yesterday i add some cfl in order to have more light... but i didn't realize that i left them on!!.. so the plants get almost 20 hours of light.... what should i do??... wait 12 hours of dark and then continue with the 12/12 cycle??... or...
  7. M

    Advice with grow lights please!!

    also which is the best 400 HPS bulb for flowering???
  8. M

    Advice with grow lights please!!

    ok,!!, thanks!!! i think ill get that Vortex... one last question.. what speed fan control do you thing its good to buy.??? a heavy duty one
  9. M

    oh! Fuck i missed the FIM!!

    Thanks for your comments!!! .. ok heres a picture.. yes i screw it up and didn't nothing.. no topping .. no tim.. so i was thinking to take some clones.. and topping also... .. how many clones can i take in one session?? 1 , 2 or 3 or more??....or i need to wait and make it slow? then in the...
  10. M

    oh! Fuck i missed the FIM!!

    thats true... but i cut something.. so i can do it in the very top.. or below?
  11. M

    oh! Fuck i missed the FIM!!

    Hi everyone.. i was watching this plant and im shure that i did it wrong.. i see only 1 strain.. what do you think? this plant have like 5 week old.. i was thinking to change to 12/12 today but i don't know now.. can i do a FIM now? or topping? .. ill apreciatte any help!! thanks!
  12. M

    Advice with grow lights please!!

    thanks for your answers!! its decided.. a 400watts lamp.. now i have another questions what reflector do you recommend??.. i was thinking about the air cooled reflector with 4 or 6 " air ducts.. with an inline exhaust (424cfm).. maybe one of those combos from htg supply... what would work for...
  13. M

    Advice with grow lights please!!

    thats true!!! and we smoke like if theres no tomorrow,! jajaj... by the way im using Hydro system.
  14. M

    Advice with grow lights please!!

    thanks for all your comments!!! .. my old growbox has 1.24 mts height.... but this new one.. it would be as tall as the rough ... 2.24 mts i think... actually im gonna kind of install in a shower area of the bathroom... using the walls and and using some wood to close the area.. about the...
  15. M

    Advice with grow lights please!!

    hi everyone!! .. i made a grow box with cfl lights.. and the harvest was good but not enough for me and my wife!! so i want to change to HPS for flowering. i have a small space... 2.5 x 3 ft... at first a tought in buying a 400 watts.. but then .. i was wondering that maybe i could buy 2 lamps...
  16. M

    Help with cloning!

    sorry my english its not so good.
  17. M

    Help with cloning!

    actually.. thos clones have an month ago i harvest my first plants..( all seed were bought in attitude seeds and are feminized) .. one of my plants were big and healthy ( jack 33) .. my friend asks me for a clone and i gave him.. was cut in flowering stage... then he re veg and the...
  18. M

    Help with cloning!

    hi to everyone!! a friend gave me a couple of clones that where cut in flowering stage... they gave me already with roots.. so, i put them in 12/12 .. with early flowering nutrients for a couple of days.. then turned to 24/24 .. bout a week have passed and the clone show sign of being in re-veg...
  19. M

    is this baby ready to FIM??

    Hi everyone!! please!.. need advice bout FIM this babe.. shes beginning her 4th week.. i think it has 3 or 4 nodes il appreciate any help! Thanks!