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    LumiGrow ES 600w Challenge

    I don't think he meant to.
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    Procyon 100 Led grow

    Yes, I think the problem is the procyon only comes in one combo of 3 red to 1 blue, which in my opinion is neither good for veg or flower, rather pointless to have a vegbud light. You wouldnt bud with a couple of HPS's and a random MH thrown in...wouldn't make sense, not efficient, you would...
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    red cfl's???

    Just curious, does the red paint on the exterior of the bulb turn some of the green light into red light energy or does only the red light get through...very interesting.
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    Purple CFl's

    Looks like a great spectrum, its only purple because of the red and blue mixture (not UV purple black light spectrum) at what looks like the perfect grow spectrum of photo A,B cartenoids, etc. Actually, if this bulb is as efficient in enegery distrib as a 2700k, then it may be more efficient...
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    If you want to veg with led, get an all blue array with leds in the 455-465nm range. And yes, it will out veg a MH.
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    Like I said, dont buy a ufo, go with a procyon or an array with 3watt or 5watt led emitters. Also, check out as Hans developes a suitable MJ led array with culmanating lenses over the emitters. General statemants like "leds dont work" "get an hps" "dont waste your money" are usually...
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    3 and 5 watt led's penetrate very well and now are considered a viable option or alternative to HID. A 150 watt led system with 3 watt leds will yield far better results than 250 watt hps. Make sure you get a full spectrum with white lights included in the array. The 90x1 watt ufo's dont...
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    The arrays with1 watt leds dont penetrat well but the 3 watt leds penetrate very well, look for the ones with a couple of white bulbs. Per watt, they will smoke a CFL. The 90x1 watt ufo's and little half watt arrays are weak and do not flower well. I would put a 150 watt led against 250 watt...
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    3rd day flowering LED (pics requested...AND DELIVERED)

    Bugscreen and wackymack, your input is rude, uninformed, and frankly you just sound like a couple of assholes. Led is a new tech and ccanine25 will of course be a pioneer, you on the other hand will be proven wrong, and then you will one day grow with led lights. (that is if someone doesn't...