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  1. B

    Quick mold question. Emergency

    thanks. Yeah I disected the whole plant and checked it from top to bottom for mold. only my top nugg had some mold so I borke it into smaller nuggs and chopped off all the mold...this mold had justtt started developing and had I not checked it sooner it actually could have been a seruous...
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    Quick mold question. Emergency

    I found a small trace of mold on one of my nugs but none of the others. Its a small spot of mold so I was wondering can I just cut it off and microwave the bud a few seconds? or just trash it...its really not a lot but I noticed it and it worried me
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    REALLY QUICK, 2 small questions

    lol well thanks for all the input you guys. So for flushing I just give each plant water thats twice the size of the pot its in. can you just feed it all the water in one day or is it better to spread it out over like 3 days? i and yeah I agree with both of you. I know if I cut the lower buds it...
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    REALLY QUICK, 2 small questions

    Hi everyone thanks for the help on my grow. I have two quick questions for anyone that can further help me. 1. Is there any benefit to emergency flushing over regular soil flushing and what would happen if I just did both? 2. My plants are a month into flowering and there are some little...
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    My light fell and burnt my leaves. NEED HELP PLEASE!!!

    HAHA sweet :) and yeah youa alwats gotta apologize to the babies ;)
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    My light fell and burnt my leaves. NEED HELP PLEASE!!!

    Haha thanks guys, ill even reply in a few weeks to let ya know how things are :)
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    My light fell and burnt my leaves. NEED HELP PLEASE!!!

    I got Mr. Niceguy, Thunderberry, and bubba cush...hope it stills comes out good :)
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    My light fell and burnt my leaves. NEED HELP PLEASE!!!

    Ok thanks for the responses...I almost didnt think anyone would bother and yeah it is tough without pictures but I didnt really have time cause it just know how it is. This is my 5th grow now and its my first time doing multiple plants because of limited grow space and money for...
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    My light fell and burnt my leaves. NEED HELP PLEASE!!!

    really? are you sure it wouldnt effect quality or yield? because that it just seems weird that it gets burned and stressed and I can just put them into flowering anyways...
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    My light fell and burnt my leaves. NEED HELP PLEASE!!!

    I dont have any pics but Ive been a member of this site for a long time...someone please help me...Ive been having a really bad day sense I found my burnt leaves :(
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    My light fell and burnt my leaves. NEED HELP PLEASE!!!

    I left for class at 9:00 this morning and when I got home at 12 I found that one of my CFL's fell and burnt a a good chunk of leaves on one of my plants and burnt a few leaves on the other...I was just about to put them into flowering today but now I have no clue what to do. Somebody...
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    Mini Weed Plant

    Ive always been really interested in this subject of marijuana growing as well (:
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    Mini Weed Plant

    do you think I could grow 2 small plants together in a 5 gallon pot without the roots tangling? or could I just find something smaller but then Im scared the roots will out grow its space, thats why I like growing my one pkant in a 5 gal pot.
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    I think i have a hermie and i have a question

    I think I might possibly have a seed pod or two and I was wondering if I could just pluck or cut them off cause I mean they are just so small I feel like I wouldnt really be hurting my plant anymore than leaving the seed pods on my plant and allowing them to polllinate my buds =/ Im in a bit of...
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    Question about GRAVITY and SOME OTHER NUTES

    someone please give me some feed back
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    Question about GRAVITY and SOME OTHER NUTES

    I'm growing my plant in soil with a 5 gallon pot and plenty of cfl's. Hello this is my fourth grow. My question is that I want to know if I can use the following products for my soil grow and what are your opinions about these products: -Gravity -Phosphoload -Bushmaster -and snow storm...
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    Question for manicuring experts

    Hi I have grown three plants already in the past and I figured grow one more but I want this one to be really good compared to the others. I want to cut off the bottom branches that dont really produce any nuggs so the top of my plant can grow fatter and nicer. Ive read how to manicure...
  18. B

    when should I top my plant??

    I was thinking about topping my next plant again but this time I shouldnt do it so early. when do you guys think is the rite time to top my plant? im thinking I can get a higher yield, ideas?
  19. B

    how much wormcasting should I use??

    I have a 5 gallon pot and fill it up a little over 4/5 so its a little over 4 gallons of soil, so my question is how much wormcasting should I use? is it even possible to use to much wormcasting?