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  1. Budzilla420

    Leafs goin yellow, not Nitrogen(?), help plz? (pics)

    Elite seems to work amazing during Veg, but I dont like it for flower. Dunno why, but every plant Ive grow out using Elite has gone fantastic during veg then gets like this during flower. It goes yellow/brown, buds dry out/burn, plant just looks shit using elite during flower, no matter how well...
  2. Budzilla420

    Leafs goin yellow, not Nitrogen(?), help plz? (pics)

    Sorry in advance for writing a damn book, Im a little baked and just started rambling on. So Ive got a plant thats yellowing out. A Blueberry Headband Auto started from seed in a Rapid Rooter plug then dropped into a Waterfarm setup. Its about 4 weeks into flowering now (give or take)...
  3. Budzilla420

    Some ?s about growing Autos

    Running photo seeds 12/12 from start would definitely be a waste wouldnt it? Theyd just start flowering from the start. Ive got a photo sensitive plant in the tent now, just starting its 3rd week of flower, if that, and Ive already popped the auto seed into a starter plug, so hands are kind of...
  4. Budzilla420

    Some ?s about growing Autos

    Im growing for quality over quantity anyways, so losing some yield to a slightly smaller plant wont hurt my feelings long as its still quality.. I only have a 4'x2' tent and a 400w dimmable lamp right now, so 3 is the absolute limit for that (got a scrog screen built across the entire space in...
  5. Budzilla420

    Some ?s about growing Autos

    Hey guys. Been growing again after quite a while off. Autos back when I was growing were just starting to hit the scene heavy with the Lowryder stuff and what not. Coming back into it now it seems like every strain has an autoflower counterpart. Right now Ive got a Pineapple Express Auto...
  6. Budzilla420

    So I still cant PM people, but this is what you were talkin bout, yeah? ...guess I cant even...

    So I still cant PM people, but this is what you were talkin bout, yeah? ...guess I cant even include a link cuz they say I dont have enough likes. Facebook gonna ruin the world lol. But if you punch "General Hydroponics 411 Farm Kit for Hydroponic Drip Systems " into Amazon, thats what Im...
  7. Budzilla420

    Yo, look what I got

    Yo, look what I got Pineapple Express, whole jar full
  8. Budzilla420

    Hey, I been tryin to get you that guide to getting on that site. But this shitty website here...

    Hey, I been tryin to get you that guide to getting on that site. But this shitty website here wont let me send private messages.
  9. Budzilla420


    I cant send PMs either. Nowhere is there a "start a conversation" button for me. Not in users avatar when clicked, not on user profiles, not under my inbox tab, not in my inbox, nowhere. I need to get it sorted because Ive been wanting to send a real life friend a message on here and im unable...
  10. Budzilla420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Heres a pic of one of my sets where you can see what im talking about. Little white squares are the tyvek and the little red dots are self healing injection ports.
  11. Budzilla420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    What i meant by the jar lids is to make breathable, injectable lids. Or even just breathable if you do g2g. Just get some tyvek (either tyvek painters suit or a tyvek mailing envelope) and some high temp RTV silicone. Punch a decent sized hole (1/4" will do), put a thin bead of the silicone...
  12. Budzilla420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    New to the thread, pretty experienced in diy mycology projects. Havent gone far through the thread, but the pics on this last page have me wanting to ask some questions and give some advice. First off i notice you have foil on top of your grain jars and the ones not foiled have no ventilation...
  13. Budzilla420

    Sporeworks, Ralphsters, and Hawkeye are all really reputable spore vendors. Ive personally used Ralphsters and Sporeworks many, many times and only had 1 issue with 1 syringe from Sporeworks not being viable, which they promptly replaced and sent an extra one for the trouble. Id never use any...
  14. Budzilla420

    Getting off dope

    Be careful with that Tramadol my friend, taking too much of that stuff can induce a seizure and can lower your seizure threshold for a long while if im not mistaken. Im sure someones told you that before, but like i said, i dont wanna dig through 10 pages of posts to see whats already been said...
  15. Budzilla420

    hello everyone, buprenorphine program questions for EXPERIENCED only, I NEED FACTS.

    I dont wanna hijack but i also dont feel like i should make my own thread on this question. How hard/easy is it to get on subs? Like what are the requirements to get on a sub maintenance program vs a done program? And what does the costs look like? Like what is your cost for your script? And...
  16. Budzilla420

    Getting off dope

    I dont know man, PAWS for me is worse than the actual withdrawals even though the withdrawals are hell. The constant cravings so bad that somedays all i do is lay in bed and shake, the sleeping for only 4 hours a night, but waking up every half an hour of that 4 hours just tossing and turning...
  17. Budzilla420

    Getting off dope

    Let me know how the DMT goes for you and if it helps you with your addiction at all in any way. Ive got a few grams of DMT thats been laying around for the last year or 2 but to be quite honest, that stuff scares the shit out of me. But if it can do something major to help with an opiate...
  18. Budzilla420

    Getting off dope

    Also, btw, it was Ibogaine that is suppose to be the addiction killing hallucinogen. Heres a little vid about a guy who used it to get off heroin.
  19. Budzilla420

    Getting off dope

    Theres no quick fix man, so dont get your hopes up. But im sure you already know that. I dont know how long youve been an addict, its probably been said, but i dont wanna go through 10 pages. But if youre already through the physical withdrawals, your almost half way there. For me PAWS is always...
  20. Budzilla420

    Market for Sid?

    With the RC market boom in the last few years, theres A LOT of fake hits sold, especially at festivals/shows. Nbomes seem to be the popular RC to sell as cid since you can get a couple sheets delivered to your door for pretty cheap then turn around and sell it as acid for 10x the price.