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  1. silver back

    biobizz fish mix and alg-a-mix

    hi all i was just wondering is anybody uses biobizz fish mix or alg-a-mix as a folier feed can you use them both at the same time and can u use then while flowering
  2. silver back

    black mould spots on walls

    just found patches of black mould on the wall how worried should i b and what is the best way 2 deal with it the humidity is a bit hi i have got a dehumidifyer runin but the humity is still around 70 80 %
  3. silver back

    New Grow...Planning stages

    with a good fan on the cool tubes i have acualy had buds touching the glass with out burning them i dont recomend this but you do have a little room for error if they get to big as far as strains go i would go for somthing more on the indica side rather than sativa
  4. silver back

    Mother grow room/budding room lighting

    mothers and clones dont need a lot of light a floresant tube for each should do
  5. silver back

    shit... tent doesnt quite fit

    im a carpenter i do a lot of roofs there is more than likely a couple of tone of tiles on them rafters dont cut them
  6. silver back

    New Grow...Planning stages

    cool tubes should work i used 2 600s in cooltubes in a room not a lot bigger they work best if u use 2 fans 1 2 vent the cooltubes and i to vent the room
  7. silver back

    what is the highest yieling strain you have grown

    what is the highest yielding strain you have grown how strong was it and what did it smoke like
  8. silver back

    high yield strain

    what is the highest yielding strain you have grown
  9. silver back

    co2 and aircon

    someone else must be having this problem
  10. silver back

    co2 and aircon

    does anyone no of an air conditioning unit that does not need an external vent or any alternative ways of lowering temperatures because at present i have 2 600w air cooled lights 200mm inlet and extraction fans on a thermostat so they only come on when the temp gets critical and bottled co2 on...
  11. silver back

    outdoors guide or video?
  12. silver back

    whats your favorite sativa

    thanks man have you grown that shit your self if so what sort of yeild did ya get
  13. silver back

    whats your favorite sativa

    ive always grown indica for the faster flowering time thinkin of making a bit of a change to the sativa what do you guys grow and wots your favorite in terms of yeild ,potancy and flaver i was thinkin Arjan's Haze #1 ,Super Silver Haze or Hawaiian Snow anyone ever had a go of any of them
  14. silver back

    Maximising Yield

    any pics of them plants yet
  15. silver back

    Tips on crystal content?

    better strain
  16. silver back

    Flood and Drain Fittings from the UK

    Progrow Hydroponics Welcome to Green's Horticulture - Organic & Alternative Gardening Products Hydroponics, Soil, Plant & Indoor Growing at Greenfinger Hydroponics, London / Surrey - UK Hydroponics Equipment, Lighting and Guides - Hydrohobby Shop UK Hydroponics - Kits, Systems, Videos, Books and...
  17. silver back

    Maximising Yield

    i never said u couldnt but if ad more plants u can get the same yeild with less veg
  18. silver back

    Maximising Yield

    the gram per wat thing is more for sea of green lots of wots u need lots of plants enless u veg for a long long time
  19. silver back

    Maximising Yield

    its not just me then
  20. silver back

    i want to grow a pound per plant

    i will have to post some pics