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  1. mjgrower

    Pills Help 1st time!

    I always chomp on my pills anyway to get them in the system quicker. I'm a fuck head when I'm on one - each to their own!
  2. mjgrower

    Pills Help 1st time!

    Well I suppose if you try pills first you might appreciate MDMA more when you do that. Whatever the MDMA costs it can't be that much when you compare it to a night out on the piss or even a big smokey night in. Enjoy yourselves whatever you end up doing.
  3. mjgrower


    Seriously mate, don't top it.
  4. mjgrower

    8 Weeks Flowering, How Close???

    OUCH!! Wounder! - sorry to hear that mate.
  5. mjgrower


    Week 7 is a bit late, you'd probably stress the plant out and cause problems. Also looking at you pics it looks as if you have pruned to only leave yourself one main cola. If you top you will be taking the head of your main bud. How about training it instead? bend the top over and tie it to...
  6. mjgrower

    Pills Help 1st time!

    Gouchy is a monged out feeling. It makes you feel like a smack head looks. I've never done smack (heroin) and never would but gouching is how I'd imagine it to feel. Yeah I've had a bit of MDMA or Mad as its nick named a coupe of times and I think it was pretty good but I was already mullered...
  7. mjgrower

    Black sticky

    Yeah - I'm from sunny Yorkshire, UK. I used to see quite a bit of it, not so much for a while though I've heard there has been a bit about in other parts of the UK recently. Best Squidgy I ever had was about 8 years back, really soft and rolled out into nice think sausages to put in your bifter...
  8. mjgrower

    Black sticky

    Na - If you get a nicely made squidgy black it is nice as fook! Don't know how they make squidgy though.
  9. mjgrower

    My Second grow (first journal) different strains, some seeds, some cuttings

    Here's a bit of Bud porn for ya all. Day 42 and Skunk #1 and Cheese are really taking shape.
  10. mjgrower


    In the UK it is known as a "banned dog" - that's become their nick name. IF you are caught with one without a license you will receive a fine and the dog will be put down. There is apparently a way to get a license to own one but the dog has to be imported and neutered - breeding in the UK is a...
  11. mjgrower

    My Second grow (first journal) different strains, some seeds, some cuttings

    and here is a video form day 36. Sorry for the delay, had some issues with pootube. ere
  12. mjgrower

    Pills Help 1st time!

    R Kid was just in Ibiza and he says they've still got loads of good ones over there - best he's ever had (he's only been taking em about 5 years though). Why doesn't some fuck import some decent ones over here?
  13. mjgrower


    I the UK Staffs and English Pitts get a bit of the same rep - course there are a few american pitts too but they are banned over here. I love staffs, they are the best family dogs I've seen but any dog can turn if provoked, even if it was accidentally. Thats the reason I wouldn't have an English...
  14. mjgrower

    Pills Help 1st time!

    Just enjoy yourselves - don't big it up too much, don't take too many on your first time just cause you shouldn't need to. Are you in the UK? Where are you going to be when you have em? A good nightclub is best in my opinion where you buzz off the tunes. I haven't had white diamonds but don't...
  15. mjgrower

    BiG BaNG - Greenhouseseeds - Aiming for the max Yield !

    Chuffed for ya matey - well done!
  16. mjgrower

    My Second grow (first journal) different strains, some seeds, some cuttings

    on closer inspection DWR some of my Big bangs are dying due to lack of light from being smothered by other strains which are all much bigger. - One of them isn't doing bad though. Here are some pictures (vid coming tomorrow)
  17. mjgrower

    My Second grow (first journal) different strains, some seeds, some cuttings

    Its difficult to get any pics of them as there are in between some Skunk #1 and Armageddon's - I'm not impressed with them at all though. I'll be posting yield and quality of smoke by variety at the end so I'll let you know by final opinion then.
  18. mjgrower

    My Second grow (first journal) different strains, some seeds, some cuttings

    Sorry for no updates but here are my pics from last week - day 30 of flowering. Two of the plants, both Skunk #1 had toppled over when i went in and were crushing some of the others so had a tying up session. As you can see the room is wheaving so i was pushing my way threw the undergrowth in a...
  19. mjgrower

    BiG BaNG - Greenhouseseeds - Aiming for the max Yield !

    If I could recommend anything from my grow it would be White Label Seeds Skunk #1 (Fem). Only 45-50 days flowering and she is well out weighing all the other strains by about double on most, her stem is about 1 n half inch thick and she still need to by tied up. She's covered n thick resin and...
  20. mjgrower

    BiG BaNG - Greenhouseseeds - Aiming for the max Yield !

    well done mate - I'm still not impressed with my Big Bang but looks like you've done well with it. I'm guessing less than two oz from all my big bang's. Look forward to hearing what your smoke is like!! + rep point for your efforts.