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  1. S

    first grow stealth cab bagseed

    Well these are only seeds I have so I don't really want to waste then. Stealth is a major priority to for me so I was gonna run a carbon scrubber on the box but was wondering if there were other products out there that would neutralize the smell completely I've been looking at ona gel products...
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    first grow stealth cab bagseed

    A good friend of mine gave me a bunch bagseed since my other was not gonna pop. So i put 2 seeds in a cup of water hoping for the best. Will update if anything happens.
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    first grow stealth cab bagseed

    What do you mean? I just recorded with my phone and uploaded to youtube
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    first grow stealth cab bagseed

    How many you think I could fit in my cab?
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    first grow stealth cab bagseed

    Tried germing one seed but nothing has happened i think its a dud. a friend gave me 10 bag seeds today so I will try to germ 1 or 2 not sure yet
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    first grow stealth cab bagseed This is a link to a video of my growbox
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    first grow stealth cab bagseed

    Finally finished constructing my box so I'll be starting the grow soon trying to germinate one seed as of now but I think its a dud.
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    Pc Carbon Filter Fan idea!

    would this actually work if so i think it would be perfect for my box im currently making where did you find it and how much did it cost
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    First time grower stealth cab grow

    i went and bought some velcro strips earlier today from walmart. And man they work really really good they were 2 inches wide and i cut em half to conserve might come a time i need more. after a bit of time getting the strips on amd them trimming off some excess velcro i had oner of my...
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    First ever grow - Fridge grow

    Can you post a pic of your plants with the box in the pic too like kind of back up so we could see the whole thing
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    First time grower stealth cab grow

    I need suggestions I'm trying to add my door on to my box and I'm thinking of using Velcro strips so that I can just stick my door on. I tried using the door hinges for it swing but it just isn't working. Would the Velcro strips be a good idea
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    My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

    dang this is a very nice setup got me thinking of doing one myself. About how much did thhis box run you?
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    First time grower stealth cab grow

    im actually thinking of dumping this box idea and just buying a premade one wher are some cheap sites i could look up
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    First time grower stealth cab grow

    And a 12 volt would do both of em?
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    First time grower stealth cab grow

    So I need a 7 volt charger? I want to wire them seperatly
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    First time grower stealth cab grow

    these are the wires i found but im not quite sure if i could use them yet I bought this fan today at radio shack only had enough for the one though i plan on getting another one would the wires i posted work with this kind of fan?
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    First time grower stealth cab grow

    I have charger but I think it says its a 5 volt not 12
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    First time grower stealth cab grow

    Does it matter what kind of charger I use do they have to have a specific rating?
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    First time grower stealth cab grow

    Will do thanks for the tip I should be getting fans tomorrow I'll post pics. What would be a good cfm rating for my size box. Any suggestions on how to mount the fan to cause as minimal vibration as possible to bring the noise level my lasts fans are way to loud
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    First time grower stealth cab grow

    Thanks for the help I really appreciate it