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  1. c4rb1ne

    Bud Hermie Question

    Harvest tiem is almost here, 1 of 4 is showin 25% red trichs and the others must be very soon to follow. BUT, I took a sample and it sounded like a seed popped in it, There have been NO males around them (Fem Seeds from Nirvana). Does anyone have a link to a picture of buds that have seeds or...
  2. c4rb1ne

    Trich question-Harvest Imminent

    I understant the "When you think its ready, wait 2 weeks" now. There STILL is only 1% red, I was wanting to make a day of it this weekend trimming and all :( looks like it will be sometime this week. I hope they finish soon, my Blue Mystic's (fem) from Nirvana will be here soon.
  3. c4rb1ne

    Blue mystic questions

    Im almost done with my Aurora Indica grow, comming out pretty good but I just orders some Blue Mystic seeds and afterwards hearing about them being a bit difficult to grow. Now im scared! Anyone have experience with these? I think I have a little bit of knowledge of growing, Been useing...
  4. c4rb1ne

    Trich question-Harvest Imminent

    Got my 4 Aurora Indicas about ready for harvest, 98% trichs are cloudy, rest are clear. I don't want to be a total vegetable, is now a good time to harvest? I don't want to screw this one up :)
  5. c4rb1ne

    Aurora Indica flush soon and strain Q's

    Not enought room in there to bend, but thanks bro! Next grow will probly do something about the room size.
  6. c4rb1ne

    Aurora Indica flush soon and strain Q's

    Heat stress, its so tall im trying to keep the lights close enough for the other 3, especially the short one.
  7. c4rb1ne

    Aurora Indica flush soon and strain Q's

    I got 5 AI fems from Nirvana about 6-7 weeks flowering ( i was an idiot and forgot to mark the exact day) 400w HPS cooltube 75/81 degrees Foxfarm OF with growbig/big bloom/tiger bloom with Molasses the last couple of weeks. I think its about time to start flushing, trichs are 2/3 clear/cloudy...
  8. c4rb1ne

    3rd grow, deformed leafs

    I'm on my 3rd grow, the most promising one yet, but 1 of my plants leafs are deforming. It almost liike like frog skin. I'm no photographer and had to use a cell phone camera. 4 Aurora Indica Fem's from Nirvana under 400w HPS from seed about 1 month old all topped after 5th node (only because...
  9. c4rb1ne

    Manacure question

    Its a good thing I asked about this, I just got through cutting my 2nd grow down :( My light blew and I don't have the cash to replace it right now. I was probly 1-2 weeks of harvest but screw it. This sucks and is a little ironic that I started asking these questions now.... thanks for the...
  10. c4rb1ne

    Manacure question

    My last grow I did a shitty job of it, should I dig in and cut loose all the little fan leaves deep in the bud at the base or justsnip the leaves off even with the hairs?
  11. c4rb1ne

    Manacure question

    I'm about done with my 2nd grow! :) on the final stretch and am wondering what the rest of you think about manacuring? Anyone have a good link to help out? I've been reading alot of diffrent articles on it but wasn't sure if anyone could share some tips and tricks and as some have said manicure...
  12. c4rb1ne

    Trich color flush suggestions

    Flowering day 40 I think i'm about to finish up my 2nd grow (2 diffrent bagseeds) :) I just checked the Thrichs and they are 50-65% cloudy with some still clear and I want to harvest before amber thrichs. Monday I flushed due to a little nute burn... I dunno if I should continue for a week...
  13. c4rb1ne

    Rockwool + Foxfarms Ocean forrest question....

    I use FFOF to plant my seeds and throughout, I have seen a couple of seedlings with a little nute burn but so far I have not had a big problem. But this is only my 2nd grow.
  14. c4rb1ne

    Hermie question

    This sucks, just killed a Hermie and a Male, out of the 7 original i now think I have 2 females (just 1 is 2' and the other is about 3') but I hope this holds, It was probly the crappy bag seed I used. My 1st grow I used the same bagseed and got 1fem and 3 males. MY next grow will be with proper...
  15. c4rb1ne

    Hermie question

    yes bagseed :(, BUT I didn't want to waist the good seeds until I knew for sure what I was doing.
  16. c4rb1ne

    Hermie question

    Don't mean to bump so soon, but this question is killing me and I cant find this answer through google.
  17. c4rb1ne

    Hermie question

    I'm on my 2nd grow and I got a Hermie and got rid of it (think it was because of light leak and fixed it) now 9 days into flowering. Now i think i found another. Is it common for a hermie to show both sexes on the same node at this early flowering?? or am I parinoid and those are probly female...
  18. c4rb1ne

    I think I got a hermie

    Blunt, but thanx, it is only my second grow. I just sealed the room better, I think I had some light getting in.
  19. c4rb1ne

    I think I got a hermie

    Ok, 2nd grow 8 days ionto flower with better equipment and same bagseed as last time. Last time I got 1 fem and 3 males :( bummer, but was a good little 1st try This time out of the 6 chosen sprouts of the same bag'o seeds it looks like I got at least 1 hermie and maybe 1 or 2 males. I'm...
  20. c4rb1ne

    how small is big enough?

    I'm only on my 2nd grow but my 1st box was only 20"x30"x4' and I grew a 34" (could have handles 2 plants) plant in there and got 1oz off it just using CFL's and it only tool me a little under 2 months from seed to get some decient smoke (this was an early harvest I know) but it can be done. just...