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  1. S

    This thread probably exists, but, in need of a cheap mg scale.

    I paid $20 for my milligram scale and it was accurate as fuck. not when you weighed shit <10mg though. I would always weigh a capsule, record weight, insert substance into capsule, record new weight and subtract the capsule weight from it. pretty soon after doing it 10 times I was able to...
  2. S

    2c-b-FLY warnings!! (must read)

    do you mind me asking which RC? This is such sad news :( he was my favorite vendor. I'm glad I decided not to be a cheap ass and got 5grams of aMT instead of 1g
  3. S

    Watch out if you do X for a turtle

    Old news bro...the turtles/simpsons/transformers/obama's have been out for a year or two now. North America is flooded with them. Stick to your circular shaped pills, preferably tested and preferably pokeballs :P
  4. S

    do you know rc's??

    what can i say. i know my rc's and my vendors :P
  5. S

    do you know rc's??

    Actually, I think they're new product is MDAI (if you go to their site, its now listed on the right hand side where the other chemicals are listed) kind of a shame, but oh well. Another vendor almost as popular as the one you guys are talking about is stocking 4-aco-dmt and i just got my gram...
  6. S

    Mail order acid potency?

    online vendors for stuff like that is for private forums :p i bet i know what vendor you're talking about. he's gotten way too big lately.. slows down the orders too.
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    i just got me a gram of this. can't waiiiiittt
  8. S

    What is it?

    You have some high standards for psychedelics. gotta take the good with the bad. 2c compounds dont always have similar effects of mdma. especially something like 2c-c which is a sedating psychedelic. Sounds like you just need some better acid. Good acid = strong visuals, not really debilitating...
  9. S

    growing shrooms outdoors

    lol fucking noobs. both of you need to do some research.
  10. S

    acid tomorrow...

    Do acid. It's fun. really fun :) and mind expanding. I went to see The Schwag (grateful dead cover band) on some cid saturday man that was a fucking blast. So was the faint. actually....go to a concert on cid. it's fuckin amazing.
  11. S

    DOin Acid

    I had to give up weed awhile back so i been doin a lot of acid recently. Semester grades just got in, 3.6 GPA which isn't bad especially since i'm taking advanced math. It doesn't make you dumb.
  12. S

    How much DMT will I get from an Oz. of Bark

    1/4 to 1/3 of a gram would prolly be a good estimate
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    Joker52's DMT Extraction Log

    you're not ordering schedule 1 substances online. 5-meo-dmt, yeah. N,N, dimethyltryptamine no.
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    Smoking oxycontin???

    you guys don't know Pdiddy. he may be one of the people, like myself, who can take painkillers in moderation without becoming addicted. but for real homie...don't smoke a pill -_-
  15. S

    Will the real LSD-25 stand up? ! ?

    man. it took me 2 fuckin years of searching before i found lsd. it was the most random thing ever too. I was runnin my homie his scale cause I was using it to scale out some DMT. There was some hippie with the dude sellin my homie bud and he wanted some of the DMT and I asked him if he could...
  16. S

    using a dehydrator for shrooms

    Heh...that's one of those things that some people will say will affects the potency, but others will say it won't. As long as temps aren't getting above 130-140 F then I personally think you're playing it safe, cause even a little higher than that and i doubt you'd notice. upwards of 180 though...
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    Oh my lord. I did dmt...out to space

    If you're buying "DMT" on the internet, you're not buying nn-DMT, you're buying 5-MeO-DMT....
  18. S

    First mushroom harvest !!

    Very nice... you could proly use a liiiiittle bit bigger FC though.
  19. S

    Oh my lord. I did dmt...out to space

    For real dude its easy as shit to extract it. The essential things you need to buy are MHRB, lye, and naptha. Most the other shit you prolly already have at your house. Or if you're lucky like me, you'll get a random call one night from a girl you used to work with and she'll ask if you wanna...
  20. S

    Hey Guys- Check out my Shrooomies!

    1. Considering its your first time ever buying shrooms, you didn't get played for what you got 2. Dried shrooms are brittle, its easy for caps to break off the stem, especially in a baggie. 3. Stems will pack just as big of a punch 4. Definitely look safe. start nomming!