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  1. J

    Al B. FAQt

    Other than being wicked clean, are there any preventative measures or products you suggest using when it comes to pests? Every now and then there seem to be a few gnats flying around here and there and I could just see them loving my hydro setup. Also, I am having difficulties finding anything...
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    Al B. FAQt

    Wow that is a lot more than I expected you to say. I figured with such a small footprint there wouldn't be enough room for the outward growth of so many. That's perfect, so in my case the only concern would be that their vertical height didn't exceed my maximum. Since I planned for scrog, I...
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    Al B. FAQt

    Hah, well proposing SOG just brings up more questions. I had originally planned on SOG before I was seduced by the lower plant requirement of SCRoG. I had planned to go with SCRoG because I wanted to stay under the Medical MJ limit for the state. However I don't have a problem with doing a...
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    Al B. FAQt

    Hey Al, I built a scrog cabinet, along with a clone section and a mother chamber. I figure the screen will be anywhere from 8-10 inches above the grow medium. I plan to grow in RW/Hydroton, letting the roots go down to the hydroton. Ebb/Flow. I have 10 seeds coming to me. My goal is to grow...
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    How early can I clone?

    I have looked and looked. I know I read the answer somewhere once upon a time but still cannot find it. At what growth level is it safe to take a clipping? As in how many nodes should it grow before I take a clone?
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    How early can I clone?

    I tried the search but didn't get anything definitive. How early can I take clippings from new plants from seed for the purpose of force flowering them to identify sex?
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    med card help

    I am not sure if it is needed, but as far as I can tell most of these websites want you to fax them your medical history so they can pre-approve you and then go in for the recommendation. Not sure if that is the way it is with everyone or not.
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    A few questions...

    Sorry I thought I included enough detail. I will skip the fluff and try to keep it simple. I have a clone area with CFL's, and a grow area with 400WHPS, Its about 4ft x 2ft. Scrog. I am not growing just yet. I want to know about the care of the plants from sprout until transplant into the...
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    A few questions...

    After a very long time researching and planning, I will finally be starting my grow within the next couple of weeks. I still have a few specific questions that I was hoping some people out there might be willing to answer. I am starting from seed, and will have a small section with CFL's that...