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  1. l8nightblunt

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    I'm hoping you can help me out here, so if you can tell me what you think or the best route to go I'd very much appreciate it . I'm essentially running a 240v line from my dryer. Dryer is one wall away, so I'm going to splice into the 240v line for the dryer, run 12 feet of cable and have a box...
  2. l8nightblunt

    Damn that was a good read! Yeah I was just over @ bc's site checking out there new indoor strains before I came here. I agree with most people the prices seem very high on these new strains, but I also believe you get what you pay for. I'm not defending or promoting their seeds or even their...
  3. l8nightblunt

    is this ready for the chop

    Well first off I wouldn't even call him your mate, buddy or friend, sounds like a arrogant asshole to me, that my own opinion. sorry. No your babies are not quite ready, like everyone else has mentioned you should definitely go at least a week maybe two longer. Second you don't have to prove...
  4. l8nightblunt

    Lol. yeah being a weed tester for a profession would be way to much fun, probably turn me into a...

    Lol. yeah being a weed tester for a profession would be way to much fun, probably turn me into a bad workaholic. Glad to know the real miss Mandy is a smoker and has not had the terrible afflictions with the "Munchies", other wise your photo wouldn't be so um... curvy lol.
  5. l8nightblunt

    DIY CFL Fixture

    yes very nice, I was just trying to figure out a way to add some supplement lighting to my hps, then bamb! read this and new exactly what I needed and how to do it. I also was going to get some of those cheap light sockets with with the aluminum reflectors on them and and then figure out the...
  6. l8nightblunt

    Weed tester is your occupation? Nice, If you ever have any Job openings let me know I have years...

    Weed tester is your occupation? Nice, If you ever have any Job openings let me know I have years of I noticed your avatar and could'nt figure out if you where a dude posting a pic of some random hottie, or you where the hottie, either way nice job.
  7. l8nightblunt

    yeah nice avatar bro, I like pretty

    yeah nice avatar bro, I like pretty
  8. l8nightblunt

    how to sneak weed through an airport.. onto a plane and to my destination.?

    tried and true method for me, like allot of people said is to mail it. If anyone cares here's how I've done it, one with a qp ( fucking sweeating balls till it arrived) and two smaller bags alittle over a 1/2 o. first vaccum seal bag, but not to tight like brick weed, no fun to break it all...
  9. l8nightblunt

    Pot Size vs Plant Size

    thanks, I was also wondering the size of pots to rock for some bigger plants so with this rule of thumb I'm looking at 5 gallon for 5 footers. p.s watch out that kitty looks like a mountain climber. lol.
  10. l8nightblunt

    Moving To Oregon And Wanting MMJ

    The thc foundation in Portland is the place. They got clinics once a month in towns like Eugene, Roseburg, and I think Medford, so no matter where you're moving to these all are up n down I-5. As for getting the card I bieleve last time I checked you needed medical history in the last three...
  11. l8nightblunt

    THIS IS YOUR THREAD!!! -- What's YOUR favorite special ingredient

    damn I got high and screwed up the font size somehow, sorry for the squinting. lol yo lostcoast if you're anywhere honeydew I'll hit u up next time I'm down there to see family. that is if you wanna burn a phatty blunt, if not no worries I'll be smoking plenty enough.
  12. l8nightblunt

    THIS IS YOUR THREAD!!! -- What's YOUR favorite special ingredient

    I got one for all you guys out there. Every where I look this stuff keeps popping up, Biology, late night t.v., internet surfing, talking with people smarter then myself etc... Low and behold Tera preta, a.k.a amazon dark soil, the self regenerating soil, and the cure for pollution and famine...
  13. l8nightblunt

    Hindu Kush Vs. Master Kush Vs. Og Kush

    its all about the kush. yeah cali's loaded with kush. I used to help out a med dispensary in w. hollywood that had some bad ass clones for dirt cheap, I'v also sat around and smoked my ass off for a week n got paid to do so, but that's another story for some other time. if u live n cali grab a...
  14. l8nightblunt

    Space Queen- TGA Strain (flowering) pics inside

    Nothing really important to say, but good choice on strain bro. Just got some space queen fresh from harvest and its a really good buzz. This pheno was loaded with crystals, but didn't posses to much of a smell, or any smell for that matter. really enjoy the high, forgot what I was originally...
  15. l8nightblunt

    12'x9' Grow room - Lighting question

    You'll get less wattage with three, but You can get a more even coverage of your plants and get the lights a little closer with less heat. The closer the light is, the more light the plant can use for photosynthesis... damn that's a big i.e. bigger, better, and hopefully more weight...
  16. l8nightblunt

    Pick A Strain

    yeah i agree with caliboy, go l.a. confidential, its good, I've personally tried and really liked it. If not the l.a. I would try the cheese, keep hearing good things about this sweet beast...
  17. l8nightblunt

    Lethal Purple Harvest

    not bad looking babies
  18. l8nightblunt


    the volcano is one of the best iv tried personally, I like how the vapor sits in the bag (Turkey bags work great) waiting for u to inhale it at your own convenience, while not going bad or stale. like what bubba said, still take a couple of mins to warm up, by that time bong hits got me where I...
  19. l8nightblunt

    which to grow next

    Never tried the eugoria or australian blue, but I have tried the rest. Ak47 good strain and high, but I Just tried black domina from a friend who grew it indoors, in soil. Damn the shit was very tasty, crystal coated way better then his ak47, and the high was great and very stony. Hands down I...
  20. l8nightblunt

    "High" from oregon

    thanks for all the welcomes, and yeah I keep hearing the same thing about leds. if it sounds to good to be true it usually is, at least that's what the technology in the led market has out at the moment. I'll keep searching and trying if not, I guess I'll go with what works, and that seems to be...