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  1. X

    Random Grow??

    seems like a lot of work hahaha i might need to have someone more experienced come down here to help me XD
  2. X

    Random Grow??

    its around a bunch of weeds right now. the weeds tend to get pretty tall. is there anyway i can stunt the growth of the plant to keep its stock from having anymore growth spurts?
  3. X

    Random Grow??

    very true. well, uprooting it wont be so hard, ill give it about until its stem gets a little stronger before i attempt to dig it out, considering this is the first plant ive had thats actually lived this long haha. ill see to moving into a pot.
  4. X

    Random Grow??

    southern. san diego area. grabbing my camera right now actually, gonna go out back, take some shots of it, and upload it. EDIT: heres the pics:
  5. X

    Random Grow??

    haha im in California! so of course its legal. im *ahem* growing it guerilla style here. no signs of gender yet, however. but it should be showing it soon within a week or two.
  6. X

    Random Grow??

    i'd say its pretty healthy. still has the water leaf on it. its about a good foot and 3 inches right now. smells reallly skunky though. ill upload some pics later on today to show the situation. haha and yeah, couple old friends and i used to smoke on the side of my house, it was always swag...
  7. X

    Random Grow??

    so i was having a walk in my back yard, and low and behold, out of the corner of my eye, i see a bud plant just growing out of the mud. its pretty young right now, im assuming its been there for a good 5 weeks now, should i move it from the soil to a pot? or just leave it?