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  1. Purp Farmer

    what to do while high? suggestions?

    Step 1. find a wooded area Step 2. bring a friend Step 3. get high with friend Step 4. woods battle! For some reason everytime me and my friend went to check on my grow we would get high and then somehow start woods battling, might sound stupid but i had a rather good time.
  2. Purp Farmer

    Ever wonder where Ecstasy comes from?

    lol this is funnier then those 9/11 conspiracy theories
  3. Purp Farmer

    What Do You Do When You Need A New Dealer?

    I've had the same dealer for about 2 years he's 60 years old and has really bomb weed all the time. Met him rather randomly i was drunk walking down a street to head home seen him out tokin on a joint waved to him and then we started talking, pulled out my joint lit up and i've been buying from...
  4. Purp Farmer

    Funniest stuff to watch when high!

    Just smoked a 2g blunt with my buddy, starting watching some videos on youtube, found this one and laughed like a drunk monkey.
  5. Purp Farmer

    When your high do you laugh more then normal?

    Like the title says. When my friends get high they'll start laughing at something not that funny and they always say it's uncontrollable. I've been smoking with mary jane for about 2 years, even tho me my friends tolerance to weed are about the same (Very low atm because we both work all the...
  6. Purp Farmer

    Need some growing tips (More info inside)

    Okay so me and my friend are gonna be starting a grow outside this year together. I live in Canada, Nova Scotia so im looking for a strain that can take some slightly cold nights. My grow area will be in a wooded area but the plant will be in a field close by we're probably planting 10 plants...
  7. Purp Farmer

    Outdoor Medical Grow-OP GreenCrack~Headband~Querkle

    Ill be watching this grow, me and my buddy are gonna start a few plants outside this year so you guys are gonna see me around the outdoor forums more bongsmilie
  8. Purp Farmer

    Is it just me or do cats love dope too!

    My 2 cats love sleeping in my grow room in the winter and they always sleep under the plants outside during the summer
  9. Purp Farmer

    I Was Selling, And The Guy Nicked My Stuff And Ran

    Get in his face and knock him down, thats what i did to the last kid of robbed me. He thought i was a nobody so he comes up to me on the street with a knife and im not about to get stabbed over like 20 dollers and a 1/8th so i gave him my shit and he took off, so me my boys found him and i...
  10. Purp Farmer

    first salvia trip

    When i take shrooms i trip hard, it's like i can feel 2 different brains thinking in my brain and i can hear they chatting about different idea's and then ill get into a long deep think with my self about how small we are compared to the our galaxy let alone our whole universe! Them i start...
  11. Purp Farmer

    Working out while blunted. Anyone?

    I like to work out really hard, get tired and sore as fuck. Then come home put on a movie chill out and smoke a big bud, just relax and play some video games or something. -Purp
  12. Purp Farmer

    Bagseed weed, is it any good?

    It depends really on the quality of the bud and the age also, then after all that the quality and condition of the seed. No cracks, hard, right size, color... then the chance that it's be male or female, and unless your buying really shitty weed you won't get many seeds at all 1-2 max. I on the...
  13. Purp Farmer

    Photoshop Art

    Starter using photoshop like 2 weeks ago, one day was ripped decided to do some art and i put this together after about 30 mins, Was going for something like a motivational type thing and i like to MTB freeriding so i think it looks rather nice considering my experience with photoshop thus far...
  14. Purp Farmer

    Yeah i ordered 20 white widow seeds $60 Got them week and half later. also got 5 seeds free 18 out of the 25 were female 5 were male 2 didn't sprout
  15. Purp Farmer

    Tylenol 3's + question about LSD

    thanks for the reply, i think ill be taking 4
  16. Purp Farmer

    Tylenol 3's + question about LSD

    Okay so i'v taken 8 so far. Just wondering how many and how long it take's to kick in. i'm 185 lbs Another question, Im going to be doing LSD sometime next week, how many would get me tripping balls hard, i mean like full blown cartoon shit:hump: PF~:peace:
  17. Purp Farmer

    How accurate is the time scale mentioned on packs of seeds?

    The say 8 weeks, but mean 7-9.
  18. Purp Farmer

    Ready for harvest? *high res pics!*

    Your plants look really good for a first grow, give them 1.5-2.5 more weeks. Being color blind must suck, i'm deaf and i hate it :cry:, Worse thing about it is that i have to look at people's face's to know what they're saying,But then again there is nothing better then sweet silence :mrgreen...
  19. Purp Farmer


    I think you can use suger as nute's ... but to grow in? don't think so. PF~:peace:
  20. Purp Farmer

    Young Trim worth it? (get your mind out of the gutter, this is a grow site!)

    You can make hash from the leaves, won't be like bud hash, but i will be hash. There are guide's all over the internet on how to get the oil from the leaves and make hash. PF~:peace: