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  1. B

    HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..

    Real spit right here. I have alot of thinking to do.
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    Texas Growers Unite!

    Cool. I have an uncle who lives in McAllen. South Texas would be a great place for a guerrilla grow! So much land and open space out there.
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    HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..

    Im in texas. Hell, they just passed a law that having any marijuana or paraphanailia will get you a year in jail and a 4000K fine. I think I'm definitely moving to Canada in the future. Even though I was born in Texas, Im starting to dislike this state more and more.
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    HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..

    I was trying to keep it from her, but she began to get suspicious when I was spending long hours upstairs and in the attic. Then I would could down all sweaty and shyt. It kinda when like this: Wife: What are you doing up there? Me: (Huffing, panting and sweaty) Nothing hun, just...
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    Texas Growers Unite!

    Im in H-town and need a hook up! Holla at me, PLEASE!
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    HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..

    Me! I pay all the bills and the house note. The man in me wants to say fukk her and do what I want, but the husband in me wants to respect his wife's wishes.
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    HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..

    No, This is simply a small closet grow with 4 plants! I have a good paying job and would not even consider becoming a week baron. Im just tired of buying weed from dealers. Hell, I nearly got shot the last time i tried to buy from a dealer. Now I have someone get it for me and the shyt is...
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    HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..

    Well, I think I was being a little extreme over leaving her, but we have been having issues lately. Why Im really upset is because we just bought a new home, and I told her that I was interested in building this grow room in the new home we would purchase. She was fine with it at first, but I...
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    HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..

    My wife, who is a casual smoker, is completely AGAINST the idea of me having a grow room in our house. I have pleaded and begged her, but for she refuses to consent to the idea of me having a grow room. I am extremely upset by this and am even considering leaving her over this. What do I do?
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    Put me out of my misery!

    hermie dude. Im seeing both balls and pistils
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    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    My God, white people are UPSET at the fact that their president is a black Muslim from Kenya! Hilarious! I never thought I would see the day when white folks are more bitter than black people. This thread is pure comedy!
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    Growing questions......

    Energy is not a problem. However I heard that the 400W may be too powerful for the little seedlings and could ultimately harm them. Also, do yall recommend using a fan with the light, to draw away heat?
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    Growing questions......

    I have a buddy of mine who recently began growing. He is using 2 CFLs for germinating, then he will be transitioning his newly germinated seeds into a Homebox L, already set up with a 400W Sunburst light unit. However, after germinating, he is only using CFL's to to grow out his seeds a bit...
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    My dear Amsterdammers... (or you who visit)

    Amsterdam is cool, but NOTHING beats smoking with Rastafarians in Bob Marley's house in Jamaica! Whats fukking with that!!!!!bongsmilie
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    Super Silver Haze?

    i smoked some super silver haze when I was in Amsterdam. Easily the strongest dank I have every smoked, besides the Greenhouse special.
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    Micheal Jackson!!!

    no doubt. RIP the legend MJ!!:peace:
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    exactly. I pretty much vape exc;usively now. Its fantastic! Smooth high up and down. Plus my lungs feel better! :bigjoint: Mine is preety cool! Check it out.....HERE!
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    Puff, Puff, and Pass

    vape vape vape pass
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    Drug Tourism

    Great thread! Vancouver - Obvious Amsterdam - best place to smoke in the world! Mexico - Ive been allover, with the exception of baja California. I think I can say with confidence that the weed all over this darn country is fairly poor. There are ALOT of folks tryna push cocaine, which I...
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    Who's had seeds confiscated?

    I ordered seeds from Nirvana with no problems. Order arrived timely and was so stealth it fooled me!