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  1. olstoner

    miracle gro potting soil

    I've been using the Miracle Grow potting soil with great results. I also use the MG starter soil for my clones. It's cheap and readily available. So many variables to growing. A lot of it is trial and error along with some of the great knowledge shared here.
  2. olstoner

    wet plants this

    Thanks for the reply. I ran a small computer fan last night and the humidity stayed under 60%. I think it's going to be a challenge to control the humidity up here in the PNW, it goes up to 95%+ every night outside and on those foggy days it stays there unless the sun burns it off.
  3. olstoner

    No Fan Leaves, Can It Survive?

    If it is showing any signs of life I would let them live. They are really tough plants and it may just take a few days for them to recover. Many guys strip off all the fan leaves when they are budding, I believe it is refered to as "lollypopping". I clip all my fan leaves as soon as they start...
  4. olstoner

    wet plants this

    I'm having humidty issues for sure. It's been foggy outside the last few days and last night the humidity in my finishing room was at 95% and 61 degrees. During the day it gets up to almost 80 and 45 to 50% RH. So far no sign of mold, pests, nute problems or anything negative...just happy girls...
  5. olstoner

    Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

    Cool! everybody looks happy and the new critters will scare away the bugs.
  6. olstoner

    will lights work?

    You should check out the link to GrowFAQ at the top of this page. TONS of amazing information there. When I have a question thats where I go first. click here.. GROWFAQ :joint:
  7. olstoner

    70 watt hps?

    The 150 watt from HTG Supply is very nice. High quality unit, long cord to ballast too. I have mine in a 24" x 20" x 48" space and am VERY happy with the results. Easy to control the heat too....easier then my other space with 9 CFL's.
  8. olstoner

    Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

    Very nice set up and well thought out. :joint: I'm pulling up a chair too, great read so far! Love these cool hi-tech stealth grows! All the creative people these days really ROCK! :mrgreen: Love your signature too Wolfman Zen. My "medicine" has kept me sane for years.
  9. olstoner

    wet plants this

    Thanks for the replys. Yes, I think that is the answer...humidity, small space and freshly watered with no air movement. Plus the temp dropped almost 30 degrees, that would definitely be a perfect set up for condensation to form. I guess I'll just think of it as "morning dew" and leave a...
  10. olstoner

    wet plants this

    Thanks for the reply...I'm not using CO2 though. I am begining to think that the box was sealed well enough and there was enough plants in there that they may have been suffocating themselves...not sure.
  11. olstoner

    wet plants this

    Since this is my first post, I'd like to say a big thanks to the fine folks that run this site for such an amazing resource... and to all you contributers! I had something strange this morning when I checked on my girls...they were all drippy wet. I moved them into my new "finishing room"...