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  1. kundera

    baskets and meduim

    Schultz Aquatic Plant soil works really well; its basically little ceramic rocks. You can find it at home depot too. I have a 6' sativa and two 1' clones in Schultz Aquatic soil. And it's only seven bucks for a huge bag.
  2. kundera

    First Indoor Hydro DWC. Six foot sativa! What do you think?

    Thanks. The Rubermaid container is only ten gallons and actually quite small. You could have one container in a 1ft x 2ft space. I have a whole room, 4ft x 10ft, to use, but I wouldn't grow more than 2-3 plants because the neighbors would definitely be able to smell. :cry:
  3. kundera

    First Indoor Hydro DWC. Six foot sativa! What do you think?

    The mother was about 3 to 4 weeks old when I took the clones. I put them into the same medium, Schultz Aquatic Plant Soil, and used Schultz Take Root rooting powder. I don't have another HPS to really make the clones grow so they have two florescent grow tubes for now. As soon as I harvest the...
  4. kundera

    First Indoor Hydro DWC. Six foot sativa! What do you think?

    Hey Bloodshot, Thanks for your imput. I'm definetly going to buy an indoor strain and a another 150 watt HPS. I've seen the SCROG method before, but I was hesitant to try anything new until I had a grow or two under my belt. I think I'll try that with the clones and then buy a nice indoor...
  5. kundera

    First Indoor Hydro DWC. Six foot sativa! What do you think?

    Here is my first indoor hydroponic grow. The reservoir is a ten gallon Rubbermaid container with a 200 gallon air pump. Although I don't have a ppm meter, I calibrated the nute solution by putting the N-P-K percentages into a ppm calculator; right now it's about 1200 ppm. Also, the PH is 5.9...