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  1. B

    is 156 watts enough to veg

    anyone have any thoughts?
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    is 156 watts enough to veg

    t-5ho are more intense than cfls. your saying i just need more watts in general? i mean i know they will grow, but this is my first time growing bud. i dont want them stretching or anything but the healthiest environment. but id also like to go ahead and start growing in stead of witing 3 weeks...
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    is 156 watts enough to veg

    i ordered some white widow. hopefully itll make it through customs. i dont have an hps yet. im going to have a 1000 watt in a few weeks. what i do have right now is some lights from a planted fish tank. two 3-foot 78 watt t-5HO fixtures with one 10k bulb and one plant bulb(~4k) each. will this...
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    buying seeds with credit card

    i always see everyone talking about sending money orders. is it not a good idea to pay with credit card? specifically dr chronic. they say they dont keep any records after the sale etc...thoughts?
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    aquarium water and ferts

    well i found this thread where he lists the ferts i have but he just doesnt go over the basics. i think people in this hobby call it a "chemical salt fertilizer" and these dry ferts are much much cheaper than liquid ferts such as "flourish", which is why many people use them. im assuming its the...
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    aquarium water and ferts

    yeah my water always has around 30 ppm of nitrate. more if i havnt dont a water change in a few days. what im wondering is can i use the ferts that i already have (kno3, k2so4, etc) for my plants. and if so how? do i mix the ferts up with the soil before i plant, or do i just water with a...
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    aquarium water and ferts

    hmmm....a whopping 4 views including mine. does anyone who knows alot about ferts have any thoughts?
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    aquarium water and ferts

    i have a 125 gallon planted aquarium that i run t-5hos and pressurized co2 on and dose ferts 3x weekly. the ferts i use are dry and as follows: Plantex CSM+B (trace) Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) Potassium Sulfate (K2SO4) Mono Potassium Phosphate (KH2PO4) Iron Chelate this keeps my water at about...
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    id like to know too
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    shipping seeds

    also i see that customs actually gets alot of these packages. who ships STEALTHILY? dont these businesses understand this?
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    shipping seeds

    is there any reason not to ship my seeds directly to my house? i live alone and im an adult. if its really not a good idea where should i ship them to? i dont have a business or anything like that. should i get a po box or somethign? also whats a good site to order seeds from. a google search...
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    need info on co2 supplemintation. settle dispute.

    i am new to growing bud, but i have a large planted aquarium that i run pressurized co2 on, and i can tell you that for underwater it makes an absolutely huge difference. of coarse you have to have more light and ferts but plants grow 2-3 times faster. i imagine co2 is alot more scarce in...