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    Yup we have alot of pill bugs and grasshoppers over here, freaking crickets too. So it sounds like everybug will eat them. And yes that was my mistake I placed 6 inch plants out there. Well now i have some great advice to use from all of you and a lesson learned. But to bad I have to wait till...
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    ok, so I planted some plants outside in the woods and by morning some kind of bug ate them down. How do you plant outside and prevent that ? And what kind of bugs are eating them ?
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    plant wilting

    ok so i found some white moss or mold on my plant which is about 1 week old. She is about 6 inches long and not able to hold herself up. Is this to much water. I have her in a simple hydrosetup floating no pump. Is this due to water non movement or is it just mold killing it off due to too much...
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    Home made Co2

    Use a dripper and a cup with baking soda,, Then drip vinager into the cup. The area will fill up with CO2
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    home made ferts for hydrosetups

    anyone know of a way to make a homemade fert that will last me till i can get to the store this week? I run a hydro system and ran out and did not notice till now. Well need to get something in there ! any suggestions are appreciated.
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    corn field question

    You could always find a farmer willing to do that for you ? :>) I wonder if the Amish grow ?
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    is m2 3 feet

    Never said one plant i asked about m2 in feet. I did ask about 3 plants in 3 feet if the math was correct. Sorry if there was a miscommunication.
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    is m2 3 feet

    LOL yeah your right i did it off the top of my head, so that means 17 ozs if its 500 gr's. ok got it thanks
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    is m2 3 feet

    Ok so it is over 3 feet if a meter is 100cm and a foot is 30cm, Cool thanks for the quick answer
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    is m2 3 feet

    here is a simple question i keep reading some sites like nirvana that state there yield is 500-600 gr per m2. Is not m2 only 39 inches which is a little over 3 feet ? If so how accurate is this 600 gr per m2? Because thats over 7 oz's if my math is close. Is that not only about 3 plants in 3...
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    grow room products

    Ok, Is there any sites besides craigslist and ebay where people can buy lights and other items needed to grow. Ebay, well most sellers are selling well over profit and craigslist well its craigslist, it works sometimes. Anyway any insight is greatly appreciated. :hump:
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    electric ?

    even at 600x3 thats 1800 watts at 16 hours, How do i avoid problems with electric company ? Any hints because i hear this is a current problem and a tipoff
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    electric ?

    So anyone have any hints on how to avoid electric problems I.E. Bills, Friends, etc ? What kind of lights work without notice ? I was going to use MH's 400 watts but still that is 400 watts that i have not used before. And I need like 5 of these and that is where the problem lies. Any tips would...
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    i thought that, but thought i would ask the experts :>) oh well
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    ok, here is a question. How can you find out what kind of strain and brand if you want to call it that that the seed will turn into, if they got all the seeds from different bags off the street? People claim to sell this and that, but i never go by that. Thanks
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    how long should water run for

    thank you GV
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    how long should water run for

    how long should i set my aeroponic and ebb and flow system to run its water then shut off then turn back on ? Or should they run 24 hours straight? I heard they need to be run for about 45 minutes then shut off then start them back on 1 hour later, but i am worried about the roots drying out...