Search results

  1. I

    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    i did take a little bud and destroyed it in the micro oven, 1 bong hit and im waisted!! great smoke!! im going to let her go atleast 1 week more, its no amber trycs yet, mostly clear / milky 1-2 more weeks and she be rdy to knock me out
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    Ok here we goo..... 7 weeks in.
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    ye lol was +aaa smoke but i have only 2 grams left, lmao
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    (off topic) Hey, this is NOT kqXbh, its the yield of a rly rly small northern lights auto. its the first and only time im doing autos, i had the beans so i popped them whit my KQxBH they finished rly fast and i had no weed so i cut 1 down and gave half to a friend :D this is what i got left LMAO
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    Nice, i will get some closeups to
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    yes i got them switched up :D
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    i hope the mix will reduce flowering time, ko has 10 weeks if im not wrong and killa queend only has 7-8 weeks according to any1 know if thats true? then KQxBH shud have 8-9 ? we will se, it will be intresting :)
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    sweet, ye this is my first sativa dom strain i grow
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    Hey, been busy at work! havent been around my computer.. here is a little uppdate: 6 weeks in to flowering, it will be interesting to see how long flowering time this strain has. i guess around 10 weeks but we will see :)
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    Hey man, no im not runing mickey kush, i read aboute it in this thread then did some reserch looking like a realy nice strain!
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    hey,i vegged her for aboute 5 weeks. i have a 60x60x160 tent. she trippeled in size during bloom! realy stretching out but its nice cus all the nodes is pretty tight. keep in mid im only using 250w, in a big tent whit 600w this plant whud be so huge lol
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    Stone Looking realy good! they look happy!...... here is a little uppdate, not the best picks and the 3 biggest tops is behind the lamp i have 2 cfl,s over them
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    qrazyquake looking intresting!!! will put that in my notes :) how nice to do your own strain thats a dream of mine! if i get a male some day i will collect the pollen. mickey kush looking realy nice aswell, 28% thc and short flowering i will uppdate soon whit some bud pics... Peace out
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    thx guys.. i think they will be trees outdoors!
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    socaljoe, Looking good, they look happy :) Nice stone i hope its good shiit :D Uppdate: i just started pk13/14 going to run ir for 1 week.
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    Yes i agree! my first grow was sannies anestesia. 5 plants i got 4 females! and it was one of the best smoke me and my friends ever smoked :) the KQxBH is going to be insane i think, it has so much crystals already. I will update soon whit a pic i just need to get a macro lens to my phone... PeAcE
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    Stonehead.. i did check out that strain you where talking about (Mickey Kush) it looks pretty amazing.. 28% thc and fast flowering time.
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    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    nice man!! they are looking good! i like your lamps :D i got some cfl,s myself now over the tops. i will uppdate soon im pretty impressed everytime i open my tent lol sry cant answer the lightrail question