Search results

  1. I

    Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)

    i got some to! they are doing rly good, im using coco and canna nutes. Doing some training on them, topet at second nod and then some lst
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    First grow, Sannies Anesthesia 12/12 from seed

    they all seem fine now. what do you guys say about these tricomes, are they milky or not? :)
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    First grow, Sannies Anesthesia 12/12 from seed

    today i checked my runoff water at 3200 ppm! i flushed and flushed and flushed i then cheked the ec and it was down to 1700 still ALOT... they are back in the tent again but shud i re flush them or dose that stress them? this was my first ever flush they look like this now. My other 2...
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    First grow, Sannies Anesthesia 12/12 from seed

    this is from last week. and this is today. They are not milky at all right? :)
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    First grow. Barneys farm critical haze.

    she looks good now :)
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    First time...opinions WANTED.

    cool i will folow your grow, cant give you any advice tho :D im switching to coco myself when im done whit my current Anesthesia grow
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    First grow, Sannies Anesthesia 12/12 from seed

    this is my first ever grow. i did have them under 18h for like 1 week before i read about the 12/12 from seed method, so 1 week vegg i guess. they showed sex 3-4 weeks after sprouting. i got 4 girls from 7 seedlings, im happy whit that i was wanting 1 or 2 but i dident want to kill the cute...
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    ways to bring humidity down

    lol thx for the fast answer, dam i have to get out and get a dehumidifier! i rly don't want mold
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    ways to bring humidity down

    I have the same problem in my 60x60x120 tent my out blowing fan is bigger then my intake fan. i have a 400w hps so during the days i have no problem its around 40-50% but at nights it goes up to 65-70% and i don't have room for any dehumidifier. is it OK whit a bit higher at nights or do i...
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    First grow, Sannies Anesthesia 12/12 from seed

    do you guys think they are to dark green? and might that be cus of slightly over feed? my ec meter needed calibration i gave them 2,2 instead of 1,8 ec :)
  11. I

    First grow, Sannies Anesthesia 12/12 from seed

    Hi this is my first post and first grow. its in golden label soil mix whit perlite. 400w hps, im using ghs powerfeeding, 12/12 from start because its only a small 60x60x120 tent. seeds where planted 2/4. I think its about 3-4 weeks left what do you think? :)